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DJI FPV SD card record selection


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
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I swear I'm not just using you guys to read the manual for me...

I can't figure out how to select either, or both SD cards to record on (drone, goggles). Surely this is selectable, or even both, so that when you press the record button you can control which card records (or again, hopefully also both).

I can't find this setting. If I have a card in the goggles, it will record to that card when I press the record button. The drone card is ignored unless I take the goggles card out.

Any clues?
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advanced camera settings : record with BOTH

Tried that setting still doesn’t work I still need to hit record on tx it won’t auto record on take off and even then only lets me select one not giving me option to record on both at once
advanced camera settings - Record with Both, Auto Record on Takeoff = on

those are the only settings.
if they are not working, then only thing I can think of is an issue with your SD card.

Ive been using both, auto record - since launch of the drone, and never had an issue with it.
advanced camera settings - Record with Both, Auto Record on Takeoff = on

those are the only settings.
if they are not working, then only thing I can think of is an issue with your SD card.

Ive been using both, auto record - since launch of the drone, and never had an issue with it.
Thanks for reply I can get them both to record manually and the clips save ok to view so I don’t think it’s the cards I’ll try a format again and reset camera to default and try again I’ll post how I get on thanks
The mentioned setting defines where the recording is saved when started, there's a separate setting for auto record on takeoff.
i had the record to both selected didnt work for me but tomorrow ill try again format the cards and reset to default and try that
I think there's a known limitation/bug with auto recording to both. Vague, I know, but I recall this being discussed before.
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firstly im sorry if im pi$$ing anyone off with this im just a little fresh to the dji scene ok today i went to fly and again set on auto record on take off on both goggles and drone i can see both the amount of time on each card left when its on home screen as such it records on goggles on take off and records fine brought it back down and looked in the gallery/library 4 clips all says goggle memory at the top of the screen nothing recorded in quad so next i plug battery in and set auto record take off in off position and set to record drone only i see the red icon start to flash as in recording (20 sec clip) again looked in gallery nothing there although red dot was flashing i get home take memory card out of drone put it in card reader into alien laptop and all the clips are there even the 20 sec one i hope that helps anyone to help me thanks again guys for patience and support
Not sure if that's what you're confused about but the goggles aren't meant to show what's recorded on the aircraft, only on the goggles themselves.
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Not sure if that's what you're confused about but the goggles aren't meant to show what's recorded on the aircraft, only on the goggles themselves.
ahh that would explain all if you tell me that when your recording on both goggles and aircraft and only see 1 flashing red light ( in the goggles right side) and if you want to view the aircraft footage you need to take sd card out or plug in through pc then the mystery to me is well and trully solved also i would like to thank you Kilrah and the others for being patient with me and solving this TYVM GUYS

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