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DJI goggles RE for racing?


Sep 16, 2018
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So i am getting into this awesome hobby (with uavfutures 100$ build) and am having trouble deciding what kind of goggles to get. so far, it seems like the DJI goggles RE would be the best for me. however, i haven't seen any drone racers using the DJI goggles RE. is there something wrong with them? Does the 50 ms delay make them inferior to fatshark? And are there any diffrent cheaper gogles with a wide filed of view and good screen? (i have a Mavic pro platinum that i would also use my goggles for) any drone racers
Everything I have read says they are very nice, expensive, and the latency is a killer for racing. If they were usable in any way, I am sure someone would be racing with them, but they aren't. I would search on youtube and see what all the reviews say, but for me, I use my fatsharks with my phantom and with my race/freestyle quads. Another point is that flying fpv will never be like watching the video out of a aerial photography drone, they are often high def with a huge amount of latency that would simply not work in a more acrobatic environment. When you fly fpv it is more like watching a first of its kind color tv running off rabbit ears in a strong wind, an extremely nice display would be of no use or benefit in that environment. DJI is a huge company, they have the majority of the market share for aerial photography, yet they have never been able to provide a product that can compete in races, not motors, esc's, flight controllers, video transmitters... or goggles. And when they do release something aimed at freestyle or racing, it is so overpriced and simply can't compete with other products on the market. IMHO
Everything I have read says they are very nice, expensive, and the latency is a killer for racing. If they were usable in any way, I am sure someone would be racing with them, but they aren't. I would search on youtube and see what all the reviews say, but for me, I use my fatsharks with my phantom and with my race/freestyle quads. Another point is that flying fpv will never be like watching the video out of a aerial photography drone, they are often high def with a huge amount of latency that would simply not work in a more acrobatic environment. When you fly fpv it is more like watching a first of its kind color tv running off rabbit ears in a strong wind, an extremely nice display would be of no use or benefit in that environment. DJI is a huge company, they have the majority of the market share for aerial photography, yet they have never been able to provide a product that can compete in races, not motors, esc's, flight controllers, video transmitters... or goggles. And when they do release something aimed at freestyle or racing, it is so overpriced and simply can't compete with other products on the market. IMHO

So how do your fat shark goggles work with your phantom? Would you suggest those?
When plugged to the HDMI on my p4p+ they work well and the picture looks great, the DJI's would look better, but just won't work for anything else so...
It is the most expensive piece of the race/acro quad setup and there are a number of really good box goggles out there for a couple hundred or less.
You need to remember that DJI is like watching your HDTV, race acro is much closer to real time and looks like poo, the objective is to be able to see enough to fly because it will never be pretty, so great screens are lost on the static and glitching etc that comes with fpv systems. I like my sharks, but they are not cheap and you still need an RX and antennas to go with them.
Goggles is such a personal choice, and my phantom only gets out every 2 or 3 months now, but my race/acro quads fly almost every day, so the choice was easy. The phantom flies itself and cannot do flippy floppy so it is soooo boring compared to flying acro

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