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Drone behaving strangely ?


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
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Hi All

This is my first post and i hope someone could help.
I have been flying my old zmr250 for many years without problems but decided to upgrade the components as one motor decided to finally fry out.

But now i am having some problems ?

I am using cc3d and the latest librepilot and did the vehicle wizard setup first in librepilot

The first odd thing i realized is that librepilot put the first 2 esc's on 490hz and the last 2 on 50 hz.
I manually change the last 2 to 490hz ? was that the right thing to do ?

Then when i arm the heli the motors idle perfectly fine.
Holding the quad down i slowly advance thrust, it starts slowly then suddenly spikes to what seems like a peak, its as if the input i'm giving is not how can i put it linear or i don't feel a direct connection with my input and the motors, and i'm afraid if i finally let go to throttle up to let the drone fly for the first time it will shoot up like a rocket.

Is the odd behavior because i'm holding it down or is there a setting that needs to be changed ?

I have read that i need to adjust a sync setting in libre pilot but i can't find it, i used the sync motors to master in blhelisuite. and i put the motor timings to medium high.

What could be wrong or is it simply because i'm holding the quad down ?

these are the components:


4s lipo

Hypetrain VORT3X 2207 2650kv Motor V1.0 × 4

Ethix S4 Lemon Lime Props

Flycolor Raptor BLS Slim 40A × 4
The CC3D and LibrePilot is too old and I don't know anything about it, so changing settings for the ESC's I can't say if that change from 50 to 490 Hz is ok or not.
If LibrePilot has "Air Mode" type of operation it could be that is what caused the motors to rev, when you give throttle and the quad does not move it may cause the FC to try and increase the throttle until it does move. I think the only way to know is to take it to the field and try to hover test it with your finger ready on the disarm to kill it if it takes off too high.
Thank you for the interesting reply.

i ticked the following option in the stabilization settings in librepilot:

"zero the integral when throttle is low"

The quad advances throttle much smoother now, however i seeming now have another problem.
(I'm not sure if it is directly related to the option i ticked above however i think it might somehow be ?) Or not ?

As i now advance the throttle i get oscillations/vibrations, more high frequency vibrations i would call it and i'm barely at half throttle. I can see this shredding my quad to pieces should i take off and fly.

Is there any settings i can change to make it stop doing this ?

Is this an esc calibration issue (i calibrated it through blhelisuite) Or something else ?
I just am not familiar with LibrePilot, so I can't say, you also do not calibrate ESC's through BLHeli, you would do it through your flight control software and ONLY if you are running analog protocol (OneShot or MultiShot) and would not for digital protocols like DShot. To do so you would go into the configurator Motors section, run the motors to full throttle with the slider, then plug in the battery to the quad. It should do a little tone dance and stop, then take the throttle slider to 0 and it should finish the tone dance and be calibrated to the high and low values from the FC to the ESC's properly.

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