Hi All
This is my first post and i hope someone could help.
I have been flying my old zmr250 for many years without problems but decided to upgrade the components as one motor decided to finally fry out.
But now i am having some problems ?
I am using cc3d and the latest librepilot and did the vehicle wizard setup first in librepilot
The first odd thing i realized is that librepilot put the first 2 esc's on 490hz and the last 2 on 50 hz.
I manually change the last 2 to 490hz ? was that the right thing to do ?
Then when i arm the heli the motors idle perfectly fine.
Holding the quad down i slowly advance thrust, it starts slowly then suddenly spikes to what seems like a peak, its as if the input i'm giving is not how can i put it linear or i don't feel a direct connection with my input and the motors, and i'm afraid if i finally let go to throttle up to let the drone fly for the first time it will shoot up like a rocket.
Is the odd behavior because i'm holding it down or is there a setting that needs to be changed ?
I have read that i need to adjust a sync setting in libre pilot but i can't find it, i used the sync motors to master in blhelisuite. and i put the motor timings to medium high.
What could be wrong or is it simply because i'm holding the quad down ?
these are the components:
4s lipo
Hypetrain VORT3X 2207 2650kv Motor V1.0 × 4
Ethix S4 Lemon Lime Props
Flycolor Raptor BLS Slim 40A × 4
This is my first post and i hope someone could help.
I have been flying my old zmr250 for many years without problems but decided to upgrade the components as one motor decided to finally fry out.
But now i am having some problems ?
I am using cc3d and the latest librepilot and did the vehicle wizard setup first in librepilot
The first odd thing i realized is that librepilot put the first 2 esc's on 490hz and the last 2 on 50 hz.
I manually change the last 2 to 490hz ? was that the right thing to do ?
Then when i arm the heli the motors idle perfectly fine.
Holding the quad down i slowly advance thrust, it starts slowly then suddenly spikes to what seems like a peak, its as if the input i'm giving is not how can i put it linear or i don't feel a direct connection with my input and the motors, and i'm afraid if i finally let go to throttle up to let the drone fly for the first time it will shoot up like a rocket.
Is the odd behavior because i'm holding it down or is there a setting that needs to be changed ?
I have read that i need to adjust a sync setting in libre pilot but i can't find it, i used the sync motors to master in blhelisuite. and i put the motor timings to medium high.
What could be wrong or is it simply because i'm holding the quad down ?
these are the components:
4s lipo
Hypetrain VORT3X 2207 2650kv Motor V1.0 × 4
Ethix S4 Lemon Lime Props
Flycolor Raptor BLS Slim 40A × 4