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Eachine ev100s

Dang sorry Wayno I was hoping your purchase would go well.
Really good thanks Vv. I still make the odd rookie mistake but in general not bad. I think this weekend I will give it a real go, just could not get my head around it at first. I feel now that I have figured it out.
Yes absolutely Vv and rates will be fairly low too. I just want to gradually get the feel for it. Can’t afford too many crashes anyway Vv
I'm a thumber, not a pincher. Pinching seems easier at first but makes you have to use a strap.
eventually the crashes are fewer and your builds get tougher
Good at least you have a date still.
Mine is all built, took it out on Sunday but have been sick so didnt fly but one pack, enough to realize this isn't a Mavic Pro, its not my $150 and less toy drones, and I need to try a mode instead of acro right away. Hopefully this weekend I can get it to a wide open park to fly. I'm not a fan of the vrd2 pro DVR so not sure how I will get flight video to post though.
Yeah Kable plenty of room with few people as possible. I started in angle mode for a few weeks then horizon mode. Especially not getting very clear picture. But with new lens I now get decent picture on the vr 800s. Can’t wait for the skyzones though. Flew one pack in acro yesterday and it’s going to take some getting used to. Scary fun though

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