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Evening Flight in Southern Oklahoma

Yeah it does a bit except that it doesn’t cost you$50 each time you slam into one of the hay bales.. nice flying, great scenery and you have clear skies, something I haven’t seen for over a week with winter grabbing a hold.
@tevek Southern hemisphere, hey? We just got back from three weeks in Aus and NZ: Sydney, Brisbane, Queenstown, and Auckland. Any of those your backyard? Couldn't convince my wife to let me bring the quads. . .just the Mavic Pro.

Clear? Yes, indeed. But it's WARM...topped out at 39 C that day and was around 32 C in the shade when we were flying.
I’m towards the very bottom of SW Western Australia where it’s currently wet whilst my family over in the east are suffering through droughts. That’s Australia for you. 39C - 45C is typical for our summer over here, fly in the morning and drink beer in the afternoon. Travelling with a Mavic Pro makes more sense given the endless photographic opportunities, something the racing quads can’t manage given their narrow focus. The government is in the midst of releasing new registration requirements that will impact heavily on DJI stuff, hence my decision to move to the sub 250g quad family some time ago.

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