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FAA at it again, get ready for UAS ID

Only affects drones over 250 grams .Over that you have to be registered with the FFA anyway. This is only proposal
so no telling what will come of it or just how long it will take
whatever they decide on to be in affect.
That's all but one of mine....weight wise

Even though I do try to show them what the sport is all about when asked its that some people think I am spying on them (with a racer is even funnier). 9 times out of 10 I am flipping around, looping, spinning wildly out of controlled chaos....and someone seems to always think we are filming their property.....blame it on the media for reporting sensationalized stories, or the uneducated public....

Its the few "ID ten T's" (or ID10T) that are ruining this hobby for us by doing stupid stuff like the latest .

and this.....

Basily it is a knee jerk reaction to a false problem in a department of government run by people who wont take the time to actually learn what the real issue is. So because of a few bad eggs we all get punished.........off soap box, sorry about the rant................
I think you don't understand what is coming.

Maybe some of you can live with the restrictions of RID, but there is one more important point for the racing community. You have to throw all your quadcopters above 250g (0.55 lbs) into the trash!!! You are not allowed to fly them any longer if this NPRM goes into effect.

If you don’t believe it, read the NPRM chapter XIII (page 150). The problem is that the typical quadcopter that we are flying today does not comply with the new rules. You have to buy new quadcopters. If you buy a kit, no modifications are allowed. If you think you can build an Amateur-built UAS than you need to know that it is almost impossible to fulfill the rules and very expansive.

We need to fight this NPRM. Get active now and reply to the FAA. And write your representatives in Congress and Senate.
Go here and make your voice heard by posting a comment to the FAA (you dont even have to say who you are)....

I think you don't understand what is coming.

Maybe some of you can live with the restrictions of RID, but there is one more important point for the racing community. You have to throw all your quadcopters above 250g (0.55 lbs) into the trash!!! You are not allowed to fly them any longer if this NPRM goes into effect.

If you don’t believe it, read the NPRM chapter XIII (page 150). The problem is that the typical quadcopter that we are flying today does not comply with the new rules. You have to buy new quadcopters. If you buy a kit, no modifications are allowed. If you think you can build an Amateur-built UAS than you need to know that it is almost impossible to fulfill the rules and very expansive.

We need to fight this NPRM. Get active now and reply to the FAA. And write your representatives in Congress and Senate.

The text from proposed rule......

"This proposal envisions that within three years of the effective date of this rule, all UAS operating in the airspace of the United States will be compliant with the remote identification requirements. No UAS could be produced for operation in the United States after two years and no UAS could be operated after three years except in accordance with the requirements of this proposal. Details on the requirements and their applicability are in the sections that follow. "

And this gem......

"Remote identification
If the internet is available at takeoff, the UAS would have to do the following from takeoff to landing: (1) Connect to the internet and transmit the required remote identification message elements through that internet connection to a Remote ID USS; and (2) broadcast the message elements directly from the unmanned aircraft.
If the internet is unavailable at takeoff, or if during the flight, the unmanned aircraft can no longer transmit through an internet connection to a Remote ID USS, the UAS would have to broadcast the message elements directly from the unmanned aircraft from takeoff to landing.
In-flight loss of broadcast capability:
A person manipulating the flight controls of a standard remote identification UAS that can no longer broadcast the message elements would have to land as soon as practicable."

But they do say there can be "line of sight" flying in FAA designated areas without remote ID.

"The limited number of UAS that do not have remote identification equipment would be allowed to operate within visual line of sight and within an FAA-recognized identification area. "
As an FPV hobbyist this sounds like a pain, however as a Certificated sUSA pilot I can see the importance of setting up an air traffic control system for drones. Aside from accidents waiting to happen and people doing dumb things, the opportunity for evil doers is “heightened” with drone technology (pun intended). ?
I don’t see any issue with an inconvenience or small additional expense to a hobby for the sake of security and safeguards.
What I see as a semi-sophisticated toy to have some fun with a jerk sees as a way to cause destruction and/or terror.
Just my opinion.
The new rules don't stop anyone who wants to do evil or who is only uneducated ,but put a huge burden on the rest of us.
Imagine the government would make it mandatory to have a Remote ID in every car that transmit to an Internet database in realtime. After a year we would have empty roads. Of course we need laws, but we need reasonable laws. This NPRM is an overreach to get empty skies.
A (analog) license plate, which is only on the back of my car, is nothing compared to this Remote ID.
Just a uniformed way of vehicle identification.
By the time any of this is actually implemented the quads we have today will be outdated anyway. In the meantime I’ll just enjoy flying like I have been.
The technology has been in the works for a while to make it work. Can’t have thousands of objects flying around in a haphazard way.
Really not worth over reacting at this stage.
Well thought out feedback to the FAA would have value, especially if it recognizes the big picture.
Heres the way I'm looking at all this. To make this a short reply, its gonna be 3 years to implement and another year or more to allow us all to comply. Non of my quads are gonna last that long and by that time who knows what my game will be... or this hobby.
So I'm gonna go rip a few packs!

edit: you can bet on me writing into FAA and my Florida congressman/senatorthough and giving my "longer version" opinion. also there are several groups on FB and RCGroups etc that are gathering names on petitions. Mine is going on all that I can find. It may not change anything but..If you dont "vote" you cant complain.
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Not sure if this has been posted but just saw it in another
of our forums. Been posted in anther thread let me know
and will delete it.
I wasn’t really aware this proposal included all this also.
I've been an AMA member and paid dues for over 40 years (not just a Jr member). AMA was my one hope in this and I feel thrown under the bus by them. I'm disgusted by what is our only real voice in this with the FAA.
We have until March 2, 2020 to leave formal comments to the FAA on this proposed rule. Please comment.

Tips for leaving formal comments:

Direct link to FAA comment page:
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Just out of curiosity, what if in 3 years when this may finally happen, a company offered a small module that weighed 40 grams and cost $79 that could clip onto any quad you’re flying and provide full standard broadcast would this be an issue?
I’m trying to understand the Specific objections. Is it that people want to be anonymous when flying? Is it the perceived cost?
The flip side of remote id is that it may open the door to removal of some current regulations like blos and night waivers.
I’m normally against government regulations but I can kinda see the need for some level of air traffic control with the prospect of busy sky’s in the near future.

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