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FAA release

Guys no responses to this and that’s fine but do be aware it don’t
matter how much your drone weighs if your in the US this includes you. Do as you wish but you where told ?‍♂️
Simular test must be done in Norway (EU regulated).
And you need ensurance.

Thanks for the info about US.

Link (pdf)
(Simplified, also requires marked pilot registation number on the craft and FPV flights requires spotter)

Edit: Added link to the new regulations, probably same all over EU.
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I didn't even realize that it was finally out and I'm constantly following UAS media...
I'm registered as a recreational pilot yet I didn't even receive an email from the FAA that the test was available.
What does that say about how this has been rolled out. If the FAA wants compliance what resources have been used to get the word out. Yes, I'll sit down this weekend and do it but I'm disappointed that this is the first and only place that it's been reported.
I'm constantly running across people who are new drone owners who have no idea about the regulations and basic safety rules. It seems strange to me that with these aircraft so accessable this kind of information is not. Without a change in the way the FAA is trying to educate the community we should expect the number of incidents to rise and a lack of compliance in the future.
Again, disappointed
Hey Dirkclod, did you get the same question wrong as Brenden Schulman? 2:49
I think I would have.

Interesting commentary from Xjet
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I didn't even realize that it was finally out and I'm constantly following UAS media...
I'm registered as a recreational pilot yet I didn't even receive an email from the FAA that the test was available.
What does that say about how this has been rolled out. If the FAA wants compliance what resources have been used to get the word out. Yes, I'll sit down this weekend and do it but I'm disappointed that this is the first and only place that it's been reported.
I'm constantly running across people who are new drone owners who have no idea about the regulations and basic safety rules. It seems strange to me that with these aircraft so accessable this kind of information is not. Without a change in the way the FAA is trying to educate the community we should expect the number of incidents to rise and a lack of compliance in the future.
Again, disappointed
I didn’t know ether untill a new vender posted this in Mavic
Hey Dirkclod, did you get the same question wrong as Brenden Schulman? 2:49
I think I would have.

Interesting commentary from Xjet
If not istaken I got that right but only because we had had a thread on it earlier and I was corrected on it but did miss a couble.
But just backed up and checked the right one ?
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FAA usually sends me notifications about UAS related Rules. It is not even listed on the UAS page. Perhaps they will do that soon. If they don't they have really dropped the ball as far as educating drone flyers to what is going on.
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Actually it is listed! On the page for

Recreational Flyers & Modeler Community-Based Organizations​

Just took it and passed. You can't fail it. If you miss a question you just have to back up and choose another answer so by process of elimination you will pass eventually.
If you read all the instruction given carefully before going on to the quizzes likely you will get the right answer first try. This is the approach I took.
The video link posted by dirkclod in post #6 explains well who needs the certification (everybody who flies recreationally even if you already have a Part 107 certificate) and how to take the test. Recommended viewing even if you already know all the rules.
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ouch....looks like FAA is going to get the CBOs to do thier dirty work...

basically, the FAA insist you fly under CBO rules, but then they are going to 'recommend' the CBOs rules.
and some of those 'recommendations' are pretty restrictive.

I dont fly in the US (only EU) , but fear whatever the US does could well spread to other countries.

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