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first build, wiring questions...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
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tyhpoon 4n1 esc,
omnibus f4 v5 flight controller,
akk fx2 vtx,
runcam owl plus,
spektrum sat reciever

should only have to run camera gnd, signal, power to the fc video in right?

vtx should run the same 3 wires to the video out...smart audio- not sure where this would go yet.
and the other wires are not needed right?

reciever should be just connect the plug

ill post pics later tonight
There are lots of options for powering FPV gear but my train of thought has always been that I want the least amount of components drawing power from my flight controller even if it is an AIO like the Omni V5 with it's own voltage regulators. I've used the AKK FX2 on quite a few builds and love it, this is how I'd typically wire everything up:

FX2: 7-24V & GND wires go directly to lipo. You can solder these directly where the pigtail is soldered to the flight controller. Video wire goes to video out on your Omnibus. GND & 5V CAM wires go to 5-17V & GND on your Runcam Owl.

Runcam Owl: It's already powered by your FX2, just connect the video wire to video in on your Omnibus.

So basically you have the video signal going into and out of your Omnibus to give you OSD, but vtx and camera have their own power source without putting any strain on the Omnibus. Hope this makes sense, if not let me know and I can make a quick sketch.

As for the FC UART wire on the FX2, this will go to TX3 pad on your Omnibus. It will give you the ability to adjust the settings from your transmitter
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i put together a diagram with all componets...ill post that when i get home with what i was going to do.

still kinda playing with layout but feel good about how it is now. batt plug still needs a mount or something as well as the vtx antenna.

dont really care for the xt60 directly on the typhoon
Not going to work, for one thing your vtx isn't powered. Here's a good way to wire it
typhoon having the 8 pin plug to the fc does away with the batt volt and batt ground between the pdb and fc in this example then right
if i wanted to power the cam and vtx from the fc, how would that wire up?
my idea was to have the ability to remove the componets by unpluging the connectors...only solder connetions to the fc and keep the plugs to the other componets if thats possible...
It's never advisable to power the vtx from the fc. It draws too much power. Direct lipo power to the vtx and power the cam from 5v out of the vtx
nothing went up in smoke! can get into betaflight but any time i save it kicks me out says failed to close serial port...
did all the drivers, flashed, seems im getting no power to my reciever ( spektrum sat pluged into f4
got it to bind...kinda of. all the channel maps are weired out. stick inputs dont match the what shows in bf...
Don't know wtf i'm doing but making progress some how!

Tx bound
Motors spin ( had to flip 2 )
Sticks match betaflight

Down to setting up modes and switches
Sounds like you're getting close! How'd you fix the channels issue? Switch the channel mapping?
think i had the wrong receiver set...in betaflight all looks fine just have to remap some switchs on the tx and set up modes.
and repair the power leads from vtx to camera, had them soldered to the cam pins and one broke off while checking things over.
ill do a build thread once i can get it to lift off.
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fixed the wires...
having trouble setting up modes and tx..running spektrum dx6e.
tried to run impulse rc driver fixer and get 'failed to open /locate serial port' or something like that...any ideas?
Hmmm..quad connected to your pc and Betaflight open while you ran it?
i can get connected to bf, fc flashed with current firmware for omnibus f4,
itll show stick movement in bf, aux 1 switch shows movement in modes tab, aux 2 did show switch movement in mode tab but when i went back into bf after fixing my broke wire aux 2 is no longer registering in modes.
motors spin correctly using motor tab.

ill post pics of bf screens in a few
ran impuse rc driver fixer thingy and that went through...
reflashing firmware now.. good
channel mapping matchs bf
WHYS IT BEEPING AT ME! battery plugged up and temp rise?

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