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Nov 23, 2021
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The more I've learned about FPV, the less sure I am that what I want is the FPV Combo...although the Black Friday sale is tempting.

I don't necessarily want to see the world like a poorly conducted Part 61 aerobatic flight. I'm quite happy with the fully stabilized view that I get with my Mini-2s. What I want is the immersive visual experience, where I feel like I'm riding the drone, or to use the Pandora analogy, like I *AM* the drone.

So, a couple of questions:

1) IIRC, the DJI FPV drone has "normal" modes where the view is the stabilized view that I'm used to seeing from my Mini-2s. You have to select the "Wild Ride" mode, if that's what you want. Yes?

2) Are there any other DJI drones that are capable of driving the DJI goggles to provide the immersive view, even if the drone doesn't have the 'Wild Ride" mode? For now at least I want to stay "True Blue DJI", so I'm not really interested in any non-DJI options.



Staying with DJI the Mavic Pro and Mavic 2 can use goggles, but those are the other older "DJI Goggles" (RE or not). Most of it is discontinued but you may still be able to find leftovers or use the 2nd hand market.
1) IIRC, the DJI FPV drone has "normal" modes where the view is the stabilized view that I'm used to seeing from my Mini-2s.
Yep, it's not as good as on a Mavic but it's there.

It tends to get boring quick when you don't have the option to get a bit more sporty.
Do not get the DJI FPV if you want to use it differently to a Mavic or a Phantom. It is very fragile for an fpv drone. It is not as capable as an fpv drone in some ways.
Do not get the DJI FPV if you want to use it differently to a Mavic or a Phantom. It is very fragile for an fpv drone. It is not as capable as an fpv drone in some ways.
This was not posted by a DJI FPV owner. It it grossly inaccurate. Ignore.
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This was not posted by a DJI FPV owner. It it grossly inaccurate. Ignore.
I wouldn't recommend it for FPV, especially a beginner to the hobby as it so weak in crashes.

Check 12:30, time stamp in description. One of Joshua Bardwells videos.
My FPV drone, a 5 inch and not an expensive build, even light motors and frame has cartwheeled 8m on rough tarmac and been fine.
At one point, I had smoked a motor earlier and replaced it with a smaller higher kv motor, not for 6s. That motor failed causing it to flip and fail, throttling into the ground from at least 10 metres (34 feet) landing on stony ground and luckily only wear down and damage an arm end + break a 50 cent prop. This would have destroyed the DJI FPV, is also much more difficult to repair. It is less capable as 795grams is too heavy for many fpv pilots. Some of the really really skilled pilots don't use the DJI video system as there is too much latency. You can't upgrade parts or use newer batteries, or different parts.

Correct, I do not own a DJI FPV.

Thanks for your opinion and trying to help.
I wouldn't worry about one person's bad experience. The DJI FPV doesn't compare to the other big brothers in terms of it stability, lacking a 3 axis gimble but sheesh...zipping across the sky at 60mph is a hoot and I absolutely love having the goggles on. I'm a (no longer) old hang glider pilot and when I point the camera down and fly...wow. Superman kind of *&% without the wind. I love mine and it's holding up in crazy cold temps. Just flew yesterday for a short burst at -30F and spent the day shooting at various locations at -20F to -5F with no problem. I am, however, getting a M3 because I do want to be able to shoot better stabilization. It's not an advanced videographers drone for sure but it's a lot of fun, for sure.
@akdrone get a MC if you don't have one... you'll love it!
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The more I've learned about FPV, the less sure I am that what I want is the FPV Combo...although the Black Friday sale is tempting.

I don't necessarily want to see the world like a poorly conducted Part 61 aerobatic flight. I'm quite happy with the fully stabilized view that I get with my Mini-2s. What I want is the immersive visual experience, where I feel like I'm riding the drone, or to use the Pandora analogy, like I *AM* the drone.

So, a couple of questions:

1) IIRC, the DJI FPV drone has "normal" modes where the view is the stabilized view that I'm used to seeing from my Mini-2s. You have to select the "Wild Ride" mode, if that's what you want. Yes?

2) Are there any other DJI drones that are capable of driving the DJI goggles to provide the immersive view, even if the drone doesn't have the 'Wild Ride" mode? For now at least I want to stay "True Blue DJI", so I'm not really interested in any non-DJI options.



I wanted the exact same thing you are looking for sounds like, the nice camera and the ability to fly like you are sitting in the cockpit. I have had mine since March /April of this year and have not even tried the manual (FPV) mode, not really the part I was looking for. You do not need to go full out FPV if you do not want to. There is a Normal mode, and a sport mode thats twice as fast but its just like flying your mini in those modes... EXCEPT, you are in the cockpit up there flying! I came from an Air 2.. do yourself a favor and get one , you will not regret it!

The FPV rocks. End of story.
I wouldn't worry about one person's bad experience. The DJI FPV doesn't compare to the other big brothers in terms of it stability, lacking a 3 axis gimble but sheesh...zipping across the sky at 60mph is a hoot and I absolutely love having the goggles on. I'm a (no longer) old hang glider pilot and when I point the camera down and fly...wow. Superman kind of *&% without the wind. I love mine and it's holding up in crazy cold temps. Just flew yesterday for a short burst at -30F and spent the day shooting at various locations at -20F to -5F with no problem. I am, however, getting a M3 because I do want to be able to shoot better stabilization. It's not an advanced videographers drone for sure but it's a lot of fun, for sure.
For sure, it's a lot of fun for flying low and fast! Like rktman said, get a MC if you really won't the full effects of being in the cockpit!
Just a seemingly necessary reminder: FPV has absolutely nothing to do with the following terms: rate mode, angle mode, Normal, Sport, Manual, obstacle avoidance, loop, roll, and many more.

FPV refers to, and only to the visual experience one has while operating a remote control device. It even doesn't have any necessary connection to aircraft.
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Just a seemingly necessary reminder: FPV has absolutely nothing to do with the following terms: rate mode, angle mode, Normal, Sport, Manual, obstacle avoidance, loop, roll, and many more.

FPV refers to, and only to the visual experience one has while operating a remote control device. It even doesn't have any necessary connection to aircraft.
EXCEPT: When you are using "FPV" as as the name of the drone, which is what the OP is talking about. Welcome to the world of DJI.

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Just a seemingly necessary reminder: FPV has absolutely nothing to do with the following terms: rate mode, angle mode, Normal, Sport, Manual, obstacle avoidance, loop, roll, and many more.

FPV refers to, and only to the visual experience one has while operating a remote control device. It even doesn't have any necessary connection to aircraft.
Exactly, a lot ( Not All ) of new pilots think FPV began when racing quad copters started? The phrase "First Person View" came along before quad copters ever got real popular. FPV "now" is a broad term. A racing quad is just that, "a racing quad" with FPV gear attached to it to enable a racing pilot to see where he or she is going. (lol) It still and is called a FPV racing quad however, as mentioned, the term FPV actually started in fixed wing model aircraft a year or so before quads became popular. Please don't get me wrong and think I'm against racing quads as I own 5 myself although I'm not a racing pilot. I like just buzzing around. (lol) I started dabbled in FPV years ago when we had what you called a ground station setup was on a tripod housing all your fpv equipment( vtr, antennas, battery power, ect.) with a viewing monitor about the size of an ipad. (This was just before FPV goggles came big on the scene.) The aircraft of course had the camera, receiver and the vtx. Like rktman stated......fpv applies to boats, racing cars, anything with fpv gear installed. Hope this helps new pilots to understand where the term FPV originated from. Happy and Safe flying to you all!
Lol not even close. Been around since at least 2000.
Kilrah, I stated "before drones became popular".........not when they were first introduced. I don't remember seeing any FPV drones in 2000, however, there may have been some?............. The fact is I know FPV aircraft came along way before fpv racing drones. That's what I meant. It's all good!!!!!!1980's FPV.png
I don't remember seeing any FPV drones in 2000, however, there may have been some?

The first multicopters someone could purchase (more like build) for FPV fun came around 2007. There were some before but they were >$10-20K things aimed at commercial/military use.
I was talking of the FPV term already being used in 2000, not quads.
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Way to stay on topic...
The first multicopters someone could purchase (more like build) for FPV fun came around 2007. There were some before but they were >$10-20K things aimed at commercial/military use.
I was talking of the FPV term already being used in 2000, not quads.
Oh Kilrah, I'm sorry.....I misunderstood you. You are absolutely right. That's what I meant also. By the way I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for helping so many people out on this forum.....including myself. Happy Flying!
I used to play First Person View video games almost 30 years ago. Doom, Quake, Unreal, Wolfenstein, etc. Anyone remember those!? And Halo...probably one of the more famous.
So yes, its all about the virtual experience of being there in person, doing the shooting, or the driving, or in this situation, the flying...from within the vehicle.
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I used to play First Person View video games almost 30 years ago. Doom, Quake, Unreal, Wolfenstein, etc. Anyone remember those!? And Halo...probably one of the more famous.
So yes, its all about the virtual experience of being there in person, doing the shooting, or the driving, or in this situation, the flying...from within the vehicle.
They're FPS not FPV.

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