Free Simstick Compete
Free: Simstick allows running a simulator wirelessly, or using transmitters that have no port for a simulator.
The package worked fine the one and only time I used it, although on the Freerider simulator the throttle is glitchy (and Freerider is the only sim that my older Mac system liked. The Simstick company refused to give me a refund (even after I sent them pics of package, good as new.
The package (normally $60-ish) is free, although I'd happily trade for any item at all that I could use with my Inductrix, Mach 25, Specktrum DX 6E, or Fat Sharp Teleporter V4 goggles.
Free: Simstick allows running a simulator wirelessly, or using transmitters that have no port for a simulator.
The package worked fine the one and only time I used it, although on the Freerider simulator the throttle is glitchy (and Freerider is the only sim that my older Mac system liked. The Simstick company refused to give me a refund (even after I sent them pics of package, good as new.
The package (normally $60-ish) is free, although I'd happily trade for any item at all that I could use with my Inductrix, Mach 25, Specktrum DX 6E, or Fat Sharp Teleporter V4 goggles.