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Greetings from pdx Oregon


Sep 13, 2021
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Ive been spending a lot of time in a simulator working on joystick controls.

now I’m ready to learn the actual nitty gritty. I’m looking at some drones, and would appreciate recommendations on a good setup.
Looking forward to this endeavor.
Hello, unfortunately I cannot recommend a quadcopter as there are 100's of different drones. You can find YouTube videos on it. Some sizes are, Tiny Whoop, Micro, Toothpick, 3, 4 and 5inch. 5 inch is the most popular size as it is fast and agile enough while being able to carry a GoPro. 6 and 7 inch is more for long range. Then you get bigger ones like cinelifters (usually x8s) beast class and Xclass. I can recommend some/help choose after you pick one of those.
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Ok, I just spent a bunch of time watching videos about different drone types.

I’m thinking 5” or generally something agile. Not super crazy about GoPro stuff just yet, but with the 5 that leaves room for something to grow into. I’ve looked at the usual suspects.. but wanted to see what there is that isn’t being gushed about on YouTube. Maybe kit versions?

My only real criteria is “HD” I have the dji headgear. Unfortunately when I decided to run the sim, I picked up the qx7. I understand that it might be a bit of a challange to get in the air with this combination.

if you’ve read all this you’re a legend! I like to make informed decisions and appreciate any input given.

all the best!
Connecting the QX7 and a DJI compatible unit won't be an issue with most flight controllers, you will need a QX7 compatible receiver.
Do you know what you want to do with the quad, racing, freestyle which has many subcategories, long range or line of sight. Would you like any examples of the different types?
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Wait really?? I guess I may be reading too much into it. I’m seeing everyone else’s issues and it gets a bit daunting. Here I’m thinking I’ll need TBS or DJI controllers. I might as well just order my drone now and start this thing.

I want to fly it! I suppose freestyle is what it is. Once I’m competent with the sticks and the realities of battery sag, and range etc. I’m sure gopro’s and video recording will eventually play into it.. but I just want to control a thing that behaves like a possessed bee. Los flying is tough.. I have a few toy drones that I work on that with. But if I tried acro, Im sure it would end up in low earth orbit or the next town lol.

I put a lot of time into the simulator. I’m also fairly technically inclined. So ideally a drone kit that you assemble yourself would be prime for me. Just to understand all the components. I haven’t seen much if any kits out there though.
You might do best building your own so you can get all the best parts and fix it easier. An idea might be to find your favourite pilot and see what gear they use. Me and some others on this forum could recommend some parts and tell you what you need. Finding what parts you need, what is compatible and how it comes together is terribly daunting. I built a cheap kit and 1.5 years later the final parts were swapped out, for better parts that last more then 3 days.
Welcome to the forum! :)
You might do best building your own so you can get all the best parts and fix it easier. An idea might be to find your favourite pilot and see what gear they use. Me and some others on this forum could recommend some parts and tell you what you need. Finding what parts you need, what is compatible and how it comes together is terribly daunting. I built a cheap kit and 1.5 years later the final parts were swapped out, for better parts that last more then 3 days.
I really like that idea! The big hurtle that comes to mind is benchmark. Ive never flown an actual fast drone let alone pid tuning. I suppose if it’s a build that’s been made with minimal troubleshooting I’d be willing to give it a go.

Do any 5” builds come to mind for you as far as building yourself? maybe someone who has a good build list. I’ll have as much fun building as flying.

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Depends on budget. Joshua Bardwell has an FPV knowitall ultimate shopping list which I consider close to perfect. The first step would be frame, motors, ESC, FC, LiPo's, props, charger, other accessories you will find yourself needing. Three types of 5inch, for example, the five33 Switchback is fast and durable but won't have some of the desirable freestyle characteristics like hang-time that comes with weight, Le Drib Skyeliner type quad might be what you are after, durable, freestyle ready, big enough to build in with full size stacks and no compromises. Maybe not this but people have been getting great results with seriously light quad (see photo)


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I love it lol my first drone is going to be hd. That’s awesome, I was just looking at that jb kit last night.

so I’ve been absolutely geeking out on this stuff.. I’ve figured out that I have frsky qx7 with ‘access’ which means I should be able to run TBS crossfire. I think.

that means I can freely run hd drones. (With a little work)

ok. I have several build ideas now, I reeaally like the five33 frame, that thing had so much thought put into it!

the biggest concern I have is with software. I know electrical components fairly well and have done a good bit of soldering.. but I’ve never really messed with Lua scripts or flashed controllers. I may be coming here for help with that in the near future.

thanks you guys!
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There isn't too much programming or flashing. Easy enough with any half decent flight controller. You can get a HD version of the five33 switchback. If you don't get the HD version you could probably get away with a micro camera, caddy vista and longer standoffs. For the switchback you will be limited to a 20x20mm stack. The best stack you could get, in my opinion, is the Hobbywing 20x20mm stack. F7, plugs directly into the air unit, 40amp per motor, 6s capable. If you aren't doing long range and because you are using Dji, you should consider TBS tracer as well.
Ok, I need to come clean.. I was gifted a prepaid gift card worth 400. I resisted using it for nearly 2 years.

As I was looking at things and researching stuff. I made a list of how I wanted to get in the air. I came to the conclusion that it would be best to get a bnf. Simply because I didn’t want bite off more than I had the patience to chew.

I settled on the iflight nazgul 6s with caddx polar vista. I just wanted to hold a real f’ing drone in my hands. The itch was scratched.

I wanted to get a feel for how things work, what the hardware looks and feels like and how the software plays it’s mind games. Im just now figuring out how various Rc link protocols work.

So that’s where im at, trying to figure out if I should invest in tbs crossfire (nano Rx came with the drone) or if I should stay frsky and install the Access -archer rs- receiver that I purchased preemptively. It’s supposed to be pretty darn good.. but im conflicted because I already have a great rx installed. Maybe I could use it on my first drone build. I will %100 be building my own drone.

I know im practically writing books here, I just like to be clear about what im trying to say.


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