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hello from CLRacingF4s


Oct 12, 2019
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Hi guys, I am from India, I haven't really got into FPV drone racing, but I have this really cheap FPV quad that is quite good for my first time. Soon I hope to upgrade to a better quad, and planning to use XILO phreak 5", TMotor F40/F60's, CLRacing F4s (my favourite FC hence my user name xD ), RunCam micro eagle with Eachine VTx and Tattu Batteries.

I hope to become a professional drone racer for the love I have for the hobby, doing all sorts of tricks and being race ready. I have lots of doubts as I am just entering this field. Great to know all of you!
Hi guys, I am from India, I haven't really got into FPV drone racing, but I have this really cheap FPV quad that is quite good for my first time. Soon I hope to upgrade to a better quad, and planning to use XILO phreak 5", TMotor F40/F60's, CLRacing F4s (my favourite FC hence my user name xD ), RunCam micro eagle with Eachine VTx and Tattu Batteries.

I hope to become a professional drone racer for the love I have for the hobby, doing all sorts of tricks and being race ready. I have lots of doubts as I am just entering this field. Great to know all of you!
Welcome! Don't doubt yourself too much, we all started from somewhere and most started the same way. That's a pretty solid list of components. I personally run the Joshua bardwell board which is a fancy vision of the clracingf4 ??.
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