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Hello from Istanbul, Turkey!


Oct 10, 2018
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Hello everyone!

I've been interested in drone races recently and watching 'DIY racing drone' or drone races videos.I really want to start this hobby be an expert.I watched so many videos on youtube but I'm confused.Can you suggest me how should I start? making my own drone or ready to fly drone? I can give max 300-350$ because I know I crash a lot and I just want to learn how to fly and be expert.In time I will buy much more good stuff.In Turkeyi there is only 1 club that interests drone racing but they want me to spend at least 700$ to start.I hope this forum will help me how to get in to it :)

Thank you
Welcome Oz, your budget is pretty low to get a decent fpv set up.
Do you plan on racing or freestyle or just flying for fun.

We all want to be experts but that is something very few achieve.

Goggles alone could chew up your budget depending on what you choose.

Best bet is to spend time around that club and see if you can get some tips and maybe some cheap gear.
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I'm planning freestyle right now but later maybe racing.Can you advice me a full setup drone with goggles etc. ? for first time fly
No I have not fly before but I will try simulators.there is only 1 club here in Turkey for drone racing and they want me to buy x2 Emax HAWK 5 FPV Racing Drone and FrSky ACCST Taranis Q X7 Transmitter and batteries for beginning.
I was thinking;
budget price : Eachine VR-007 Pro
mid price : JJPRO F01
if I push hard on budget maybe : Eaachine EV100

What do you think? any suggestions of yours?
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Ok then my list is;

Eachine Wizard X220 FPV Racing RC Drone Blheli_S F3 5.8G 48CH 200MW 700TVL Camera w/ FlySky I6 RTF


Eachine VR-007 Pro VR007 5.8G 40CH FPV Goggles 4.3 Inch With 3.7V 1600mAh Battery for RC Drone

I want to buy extra batteries but lot's of the batteries doesn't send to my country.any suggestions?

and also what else do I need for start flying?

btw thank you for all your support, the guys in here dissapoint me and I was almost give up but now i can begin with your help :)
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OK, well that looks fine to me to start with.
Just be sure to order the right model for you. That is mode 1 which is right stick throttle.
Most fly mode 2 ,left stick throttle.
You will need a good charger and battery checker at least.
As for batteries, let me get back to you.
Will research but gotta sleep now, up early tomorrow (I'm in AUS).
Probably big time difference.
Oh and I'm surprised about your dissapointment, pretty much every pilot here will bend over backwards to help a fellow pilot and someone looking at getting into the addiction.
I actually don’t know the difference between mode 1 and 2.thanks again for your help, i can wait no worries:) i just want to order all things i need in one time because shipping time is 20-35 days to Turkey
Welcome @ozanbaskaya, glad to have you here! Wayne has given excellent advice, the wizard is a great kit to start with on a budget, it will help if you can solder so that you can change the ESC's if they blow up, they have been a weak spot in the past but maybe they are better now.
Thanks :) this forum and especially wayno52 helped me a lot.I know how to solder so I can fix it if any problem coems up with my drone.I'm just trying to get a full set so I can begin flying and practice.Any suggestions for drone, transmitter or goggles? I want to hear everyones opinion because I'm beginner
There are just too many choices and we do not know them all, but I think what you have called out above is ok. You are a beginner, you will crash and break things on the quad, so wait until you know you like this hobby and can fly better before you try to spend too much. Many people want to go fly, but this takes time to learn what you need to know to be safe, and to keep from breaking the quad, otherwise your first flight may end up bad and be your last and we don't want that to happen to you. I also would not buy too many batteries or a big charger until you are flying your battery that comes with the Wizard BNF and not crashing before you spend more money
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