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Hello from miami fl.

Hey brother, welcome to the forum! I used to live in Coconut Grove, but I've made my way up to West Palm. FPV 'aint easy in Miami, you might consider a micro or a toothpick class rig. They're relatively cheap at $100 - $140, and they're so small and light you can fly them in the park without stress.
Haha wow..... 6 inspire 1s. 4 inspire 2s. 3 mavic pro Matrice m 600 pro
7 in long range tbs 5in I flight under construction And a turbo bee that I just built and am having an impossible time programing in BETA Flight. I am setting it up with the dji controller and fpv goggles.
yeah that’s a ton of gear....we have been filming for 15 years and started when the first phantom came out. I also have a few planes and am starting on an X Class build soon.
Well I have a ton of projects and videos from standard drone but want to expand to racing drone footage.I have two new ones I am building but ran into roadblocks in Betaflight. I know more than most mortals about DJI regular drones including a custom inspire 2 that is now a ground filming rig. I must admit I am lost on the race drone flight controller programming.......feeling like old dog learning new tricks.
Welcome. I am new as well......Florida Keys
Welcome @Black sky! I sure do love the Keys, hope to move to Marathon near Sombrero Beach State Park one day! My cousin just moved out of Big Pine, they got devastated by the hurricane and they both have retired now. My cousin was a Monroe County Sheriff and his wife worked at the Navy PX, they were there for almost 30 years (still fresh water Conch's I guess) and I have my Conch Republic Passport so I am a fresh water Conch even if I only get to the Keys once (or twice if I'm lucky) per year! :)

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