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Hello from Vermont, USA


Sep 4, 2018
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Hi guys (and gals?)! Newbie here. My name is Tony. I bought a Cheerson cx-33 about 6 months or so ago, because I had been thinking "drones" looked like fun, and it was a closeout at a grocery store of all places for $23. I'm an old guy, and had wanted to get into R/C flying of some kind for ages, but was always told it's not something you want to get into by yourself, without access to some kind of mentor, or you'd just end up frustrated and a whole lot poorer. Anyway, after I picked up the Cheerson I got the bug and ended up with a handful of nano quads, before finding out about a local club thad has tiny whoop races once a month. While there for the first time to check it out, I bought an Eachine e011 which eventually turned into my first whoop class quad. I've stayed concentrated on whoops so far and have progressed through a TWR kit to building my own whoops using tuneable FCs and OSD cams. I own a 5" quad, which I bought used and is nothing special so far, but I've done little with it other than test hover it. I figured I'd get good, or at least decent with the whoops and on simulators first, and then dive into the larger quads. I am planning ( hoping to get brave enough) to take the 5 incher out for at least one real flight before the weather around here turns too crappy, and then if I crash it I'll have the winter to rebuild and upgrade. Any other mostly whoop racers here, or are all of you "real" quad pilots?

Sorry for the long intro. I figured I'd put it out here for those who are inclined to read it. TL;DR: Hi, I'm Tony and so far fly and race mainly whoop class, but am interested in also moving into the 5" world.
Hey Tony, fantastic intro mate. 57 ain't old buddy, it can't be I'm not that far off.
So it looks like you are already an addict to fpv so of course you need a 5 inch.
And a 4
And a 3
Maybe even a 6.
Your in a great environment here Tony, lots of great pilots and all willing to help when they can.

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They have all definitely helped me, from those that can talk way over my head to those that are new and experienced what I havent yet.. Never got degraded on this site for ignorance either. I toppled 52 a bit ago. Was into cars and boats, went airborne with heli and planes, now stuck in quad world. Enjoy. These nice folks out here are willing to take time to help.......gotta love em.
Hey, this is cool... I thought us older guys into this stuff was the exception rather than the rule. It's great to see that I'm not as much of a unicorn as I thought. I really appreciate the warm welcome, also. Thank you all! I think this is gonna be a great place to hang in my free time, when I'm not flying, or banging my head against a wall trying to fix or figure out something. I'm gonna have to go see where the cam/vtx questions go next, 'cause that's my current headache. Running into some weird stuff trying to build another whoop. It would probably be frustrating as hell if it weren't for me clinging to the idea that it'll feel rewarding when I finally do get it figured out.
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