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Hello! New member from Iowa

I was wondering if anyone here does some extreme cold weather flying? I'm noticing a huge difference between warm weather and cold weather. My quad has a motor twitch when it's extremely cold out. Is there something I can be sitting in the filters to fix this?
Im flying an Arris x220 race quad. Just got into the race quads this December already exploded one rebuilt another. so far having a blast with these faster bigger drones
I'm struggling with the fpv part a little bit. No problem with line of sight. Once I put on the goggles it seems like I can't stop the quad. The slowing down is the hard part. I'm really liking the Acro air mode.
Welcome Flanndad.
Im sure someone on here flies up north.
could be a condensation issue... how far (min.) into the battery do you get before it starts misbehaving?
also, cold batteries are not happy batteries. Some keep batteries in their pockets to keep them warm till time to burn.
What are you flying?
Welcome Flanndad.
Im sure someone on here flies up north.
could be a condensation issue... how far (min.) into the battery do you get before it starts misbehaving?
also, cold batteries are not happy batteries. Some keep batteries in their pockets.
What are you flying?
about 30 seconds into the battery. I make sure they're kept nice and warm before flight. I seen in the goggles that is says core temperature said -7 Fahrenheit. I did soft Mount Motors and Flight controller. I'm thinking the rubber gets too stiff. don't seem to have the problem when it's warm outside. By warm I mean 20 degrees outside. It hasn't fell out of the sky. Just annoying twitch noise. Kind of sounds like a bad bearing.
about 30 seconds into the battery. I make sure they're kept nice and warm before flight. I seen in the goggles that is says core temperature said -7 Fahrenheit. I did soft Mount Motors and Flight controller. I'm thinking the rubber gets too stiff. don't seem to have the problem when it's warm outside. By warm I mean 20 degrees outside. It hasn't fell out of the sky. Just annoying twitch noise. Kind of sounds like a bad bearing.
I'm flying Arris x220
I would look at the ESC protocol first for the twitch, if DShot600, try setting to Multishot and doing an ESC calibration and see if it still does it. The digital ESC protocols are great but often I have seen twitching issues from them on various ESC's, and unless you are able to run DShot1200 the Multishot protocol is faster.

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