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HELP!!!!! Please Help Me With Tuning!!!!!

Tyler Gates

Oct 6, 2016
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Hey, you guys, I have been working oni my quad for almost 2 years now and I still can't get the pids down. I am trying to get my quad to do tight rolls, flips, and be the best it can be. Plase, help. Please, all tips are welcome!!!!
That page, even though made for CleanFlight, will give you enough information to do it........but after looking at the LibrePilot documentation I would strongly urge you to use CleanFlight instead. LibrePilot looks too intensive for anyone other than an engineer to understand.................
That page, even though made for CleanFlight, will give you enough information to do it........but after looking at the LibrePilot documentation I would strongly urge you to use CleanFlight instead. LibrePilot looks too intensive for anyone other than an engineer to understand.................
I love Librepilot, its just i want to be able to have a tune like this. i want to know how to do this, what pids are these?
PID's do not work like that, every UAV, even two that are identical, will have different settings when tuned for the pilot......it all has to do with parts used and pilot abilities that determines where you tune too.
PID's do not work like that, every UAV, even two that are identical, will have different settings when tuned for the pilot......it all has to do with parts used and pilot abilities that determines where you tune too.
Okay, then apart from his skill level, how does he get the quad to do tight rolls, iv flown quads like this that can do this. but mine is unable to.
you wave a magic wand, sprinkle some pixie dust over it, and sacrifice a drone to the drone god ............

Or you go over every manual you can find and read every how too you see and start setting things up.......

Or maybe post your current settings here so we can see it something does not seem right.....maybe too much damping, maybe not aggressive enough, maybe your flying in stabilize (keep level) not acrobatic mode........right now all we can do is guess
Hey, you guys, I have been working oni my quad for almost 2 years now and I still can't get the pids down. I am trying to get my quad to do tight rolls, flips, and be the best it can be. Plase, help. Please, all tips are welcome!!!!
I am no expert - but - can you do screen shots of the Stabilization Tab and if you have configured flightmodes.. maybe that also.
I have been building quads just over a year - and not yet come face to face with anybody in my area to interchange with on info etc,. - So I can guess your frustrations.

Basically, I am sure you have done all the correct set up - ie props spinning the correct direction- balanced them - got good solder joints, all wiring neat and tide as you can. Some say to twist all wires where you can to minimize magno/electric interference. ESCs all calibrated together, motors starting up together, frame C of G as good as you can get it.

Details of your kit would help also.

I have found with LibrePilot that unless you have identical kit - never use one of the templates - frankly not wishing to offend the guy who build LP - never use a template - stick with your own tuning. The best of the best will tell you that just changing props can affect the setup.

Do you use the "basic" setup or the "Advanced"?

Frankly I have found that when its a constant trial and error....wipe the board - check everything on the quad is OK - and start again by the book.
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