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Help please with FPV on new drone


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Butte Montana

Bought a Arris X-Speed 280 RTF. Trying to get my FS Dominator V3 goggles to talk to it. I have a FS transmitter that I purchased with the FS, but thinking I dont need it??? This one came with a video tx and antenna...........at least that is what I believe it to be. Would have to dissasemble to check wiring etc.

Naturally, the drone came with no manual, and little on the web....Got it flying LOS....but now trying to go FPV. LibrePilot tuning to follow.

Please help,


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You will be able to set the channel, band and power on the VTX then match those settings with the goggles and they should pick up the transmission
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Reactions: Wayno52
I had to re-solder and re-program the chip set in the tx to get it to work...............not.

WOW, so, that was one of my duh moments. Thanks Sambo for giving me direction. I give it a like too Wayno. I hit refresh on my brain so hopefully I can refrain from asking questions like this in the future....hopefully your reply may be golden though for the next rookie thumbing through this forum searching for the same answer........cant be just me....right? :) Im blaming age darnit.

Thanks again.
So then, next question. Plugging USB into PC and quad for LibrePilot adjustments, I get constant beep beep beep (14v battery unplugged). Hmmmm. My ZMR 250 is nice and quit during plugging/adjusting settings on LibrePilot....but not this guy.
Re-installed Librepilot on new PC just to start fresh. Beep Beep Beep still.
Dont want another DUH question....but if it is, I will stick to my blaming age :)

Not used to this FC/ESC stack thing.

Thanks in advance for help guys,

So then, next question. Plugging USB into PC and quad for LibrePilot adjustments, I get constant beep beep beep (14v battery unplugged). Hmmmm. My ZMR 250 is nice and quit during plugging/adjusting settings on LibrePilot....but not this guy.
Re-installed Librepilot on new PC just to start fresh. Beep Beep Beep still.
Dont want another DUH question....but if it is, I will stick to my blaming age :)

Not used to this FC/ESC stack thing.

Thanks in advance for help guys,

Is your transmitter on and bound? should not beep if so
Nope. Ill try that, thanks. My other quad CC3D board doesnt need the Tx bound to configure. Another new one for me.

Also now getting OSD, never had OSD before.....cool but dont like the horizon in the center of my view. Guessing this can also be removed in librepilot.

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