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How can I select dron what I need?


New Member
Feb 7, 2024
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Hello all!

I would like to analyze drone systems that use FHSS-based TX protocol between drones and transmitters.
Organization by company requires Spectrum (DSM2, DSMX), Futaba (S-FHSS, FASST), Hitec (AFHSS), JR (DMSS), Frsky (ACCST), Walkera (all types of Devo), FlySky (AFHDS2), RadioLink (IIX) and Hubsan (X4).

Nevertheless, there were two problems in my searching results.
First of all, what I want is a set for transmitter and commercial drones. However the results searched were almost none set of transmitter and drones, it just only transmitter or the pair of transmitter and receiver. Another problem is that the drones being searched were too small to be suitable for analysis.

I want advice from the many experienced experts in this forum. I ask for help on how to search for commercial drones that I want such as finished products that are compatible with the TX protocols. Even if you recommend a drone that you know, I will be grateful.

were too small to be suitable for analysis.
What exactly are you after? If the goal is "analysis of how a drone that'd be used for work purposes can get hijacked by jamming / overpowering the protocols you mentioned" you're about 5-7 years too late for that, it's been done already and none of the serious models you'd use for work will be using those anymore, it's just your hobby/DIY things left with that by now. And in that space the standard is to have one transmitter for all your models which is why things are sold separately.
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it's just your hobby/DIY things left with that by now. And in that space the standard is to have one transmitter for all your models which is why things are sold separately.

Thank you for your reply, Kilrah.

As you guessed, my interests include jamming and overpowering for the drones I mentioned. I was also somewhat aware that drone models for the mentioned protocol were discontinued or remained only hobby/DIY things.

Nevertheless, I checked that some integrated transmitters such as Devo 10, TX16s that are compatible with same communication chips (e.g., include DSM2, DSMX and Devo). So, I want to get some information of any drones that are compatible with integrated transmitters are using the mentioned protocol.


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