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How do the different components communicate?


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
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Does the drone communicate with the goggles, the transmitter, or both? Does the transmitter communicate directly with the goggles? What about the motion controller - it has no external antenna so I'd imagine it does not communicate directly with the drone?
All three in a way. The goggles receive the video signal and telemetry from the drone but the goggles also have the ability to transmit back to the drone to ask for re-transmits on missing packets or to adjust the settings on the camera etc. The goggles also connect to the radio. You can see in goggles when the radio connects and the goggles pull the SN from the radio. There may be some bi-directional communication there as well, but it's difficult to know for sure since the DJI software is a closed system. The radio obviously talks to the drone as it is the control link. The motion controller is just another radio with a different user interface.
ok, interesting - as far as we know what is the function of the 4 antennas on the v2 goggles btw, is it in order to support multipath-aware transmission, similar to wifi MIMO?
According to limited information, the old V1 goggles had 3 receiving antennas and one transmit antenna and the new V2 goggles have two transmit and two receive antennas. All antennas on V2 are dual-band (2.4 and 5.8). 2.4 Ghz has longer range but less bandwidth and 5.8 has less range but more bandwidth. DJI uses both bands for the new FPV drone to optimize the connection depending on range and bandwidth requirements. There are some images circulating that indicate which antennas are TX and which are RX, but I'm not too sure that this information has been verified yet. The new v2 antennas appear to be linear and not circular polarized like the V1 antennas which means they probably will not perform as well in multi-path environments. TrueRc and Luminiere already have circular polarized dual-band replacement antennas, but the FPV antennas also appear to be linear, so they probably won't help with multi-pathing either.
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