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i crashed my drone

Apr 1, 2020
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i crashed my racing drone after the crash it did not power the motors anymore but the motors are fine i have tested them also my transmitter givs a signa thats it connected with the drone also in betafllight on the iever chap
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Reactions: dirkclod
I can’t help you but someone here that can will be on in abit
that can.I can bet they will need more info on just what you have though.
Welcome to the forum.
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Reactions: HighTechPauper
Hi there, can we see a video if possible or at least the type of quad and controller that you have, to start working on what’s happening. It could be many things to give you those types of problems such as how did you test your motors and are the lights on your receiver on. Does your flight controller give off 5 beeps when you plug a battery in?
Ok, @jasperisthegoat, time to plug up to the PC and have a good look through the basic config settings to see what is happening. Turn on the radio, plug the quad to BF and plug in a charged battery. Go into the CLI tab and do a "status" and a return. Copy and paste the output of that command here please.
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Entering CLI Mode, type 'exit' to return, or 'help' #
# Building AutoComplete Cache ... Done!
# status
MCU F40X Clock=168MHz (PLLP-HSE), Vref=3.29V, Core temp=41degC
Stack size: 2048, Stack address: 0x1000fff0
Config size: 3587, Max available config: 16384
System Uptime: 60 seconds, Current Time: 2020-04-03T18:38:11.704+00:00
CPU:10%, cycle time: 130, GYRO rate: 7692, RX rate: 33, System rate: 9
Voltage: 1140 * 0.01V (3S battery - OK)
I2C Errors: 0
Arming disable flags: RXLOSS CLI MSP
Ok, the big issue is the receiver in the quad is not being seen by the flight controller as indicated by the "RXLOSS" on the last line. It could be just a config issue so lets look at the Ports tab and the Receiver section of the Config tab. Can you post a couple pics of those 2 areas?
This won't be helpful, so feel free to stop reading, BUT. . .

I had to laugh when I saw the title of the post, "I crashed my drone." I thought to my self, "I just call that 'Landing.'" LOL

Also, Bardwell has a good standard response to questions like these. The answer is in the question. You crashed your drone. Something broke. Now it doesn't work right.

But, then he'll dig in and help figure out exactly WHAT is broken. . .need to figure out what to replace (or what simply came loose), right? @HighTechPauper is doing an EXCELLENT job so far. I'm following along, just for interest.
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Reactions: HighTechPauper
Ok, the config seems to be there, so I ASSUME the port is correct, so let me confirm a few things since this quad used to fly until you crashed...

1 Are you absolutely sure you had a quad battery connected when you did the status in CLI? The RX will likely not have power with just the USB connected.
2 Are you sure the TX didn't get reset or something? Are you sure it is still set for iBus instead of PPM?

If the above is all verified then it is time to look at the receiver and its wiring closely. The RX is not being seen by the FC so you need to figure out what is broken there.

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