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I flew with a helicopter!

I hate to be "that guy" and that looks fun but don't let the FAA see this bro! Even if he was game, its rather illegal to be anywhere near that kind of proximity to manned aircraft with a drone. His Aircraft identity is clear too. You would never get a waiver from the FAA even if you asked.

I just don't want other forum visitors getting ideas that could seriously end their fun hobby.
I hate to be "that guy" and that looks fun but don't let the FAA see this bro! Even if he was game, its rather illegal to be anywhere near that kind of proximity to manned aircraft with a drone. His Aircraft identity is clear too. You would never get a waiver from the FAA even if you asked.

I just don't want other forum visitors getting ideas that could seriously end their fun hobby.
As it turns out, I think you love to be that guy! Haha.
We had a chat with the FAA national Office and they cleared the flight,
Thanks for your time!
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I would think it takes more than a chat to clear something like that. I’m not sure on that but bet @BigAl07 can confirm
that would be enough.
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I would think it takes more than a chat to clear something like that. I’m not sure on that but bet @BigAl07 can confirm
that would be enough.
I wasn't clear enough, sorry.
They called us because of a tip online likely from someone who "hates to be that guy"
and talked to the owner of the helicopter company, and the pilot who flew the bird, and they cleared the flight after hearing the explanation of the circumstances from both of them.
let me know if I can answer any other questions or concerns,
They cleared the flight after the fact. That makes no sense. Sorry but I will let BigA107 confirm that’s possible.
He would know of all people what you can or can’t do.
If he can’t he knows who to talk to.
Im sorry but think Futuramille was dead on. At this point
with the FAA we don’t need cowboys. Helo pilots or drone
pilots . We are being attacked from all sides as it is.
They cleared the flight after the fact. That makes no sense. Sorry but I will let BigA107 confirm that’s possible.
He would know of all people what you can or can’t do.
If he can’t he knows who to talk to.
Im sorry but think Futuramille was dead on. At this point
with the FAA we don’t need cowboys. Helo pilots or drone
pilots . We are being attacked from all sides as it is.
I’m sorry too,
I’m sorry too,
You mean sorry you edited your post I just put back.
I wasn't clear enough, sorry.
They called us because of a tip online likely from someone who "hates to be that guy"
and talked to the owner of the helicopter company, and the pilot who flew the bird, and they cleared the flight after hearing the explanation of the circumstances from both of them.
let me know if I can answer any other questions or concerns,
There you go you can’t edit that.?
You mean sorry you edited your post I just put back.

There you go you can’t edit that.?
Ah man yeah you got me.
I was feeling a little attacked because you didn’t believe so I wrote something I felt to be immature and removed it, so there we go!
Even "If" you got the All Clear from Big Brother... do you not think it's highly irresponsible to post stunts like this online knowing, without a doubt, that someone else is going to attempt to mimic this same type of activity? They may not have the cooperation/coordination/communication with the helo pilot and could very likely have an incident.

I'll put it this way... if someone else watches your video then attempts to pull a stunt like this trying to be the "cool drone guy" and has an incident a lot of the blame should fall squarely on your shoulders. Sometimes we have to think "Bigger than self" and lead by a positive example. At the very least I feel like the VIDEO (not just the description that MANY people don't read) should have some clear and significant disclaimers at the very beginning. You put it out there then you do have some responsibility if others are dumb enough to attempt it.
Well though the video might look cool and show good flying skills i‘m pretty sure members here know where my concerns where and with us haveing way more visitors
than members looking here and most likely young
IMOA it wasn’t cool.
I‘m out and have a good weekend all.
Well though the video might look cool and show good flying skills i‘m pretty sure members here know where my concerns where and with us haveing way more visitors
than members looking here and most likely young
IMOA it wasn’t cool.
I‘m out and have a good weekend all.
sounds good all,
feel free to delete the thread/post then, no worries here
No, don't delete it. I thought it was kind of cool when I first saw it but as it went on I started to get the willies. It is cool but accidents happen. I'm sure the chopper pilot said "there's no way that thing could cause any issue with my bird." And, if he did, he's probably right. The problem may be, what if it's a DJI Inspire or something larger the next time? Or what if the next "Cowboy" wants to go through the doors of the helo?

This industry is under immense scrutiny, it may actually be over and completely shut down very soon. The people who have invested so many hours and countless financial resources just to have a little "fun" in their lives may be forced to just throw it all away. Nah, it just ain't worth it. We know the dangers of these things, we've experienced cut fingers, smashed walls and incorrect prop positioning. These things are what I call flying bricks. We need to police ourselves. I've recently invested well over $1k in micro gear just because I no longer own a property to support safe and free flight. I'm in a neighborhood now. I put a full on 3" screamer in the air yesterday and didn't even fly it, it's a half a brick. I don't want to piss off my neighbors or cause any damage to anyone's property but that's "just me".

Ross, I liked the video and I can clearly see that nobody else appears to be at risk but you and the chopper pilot. Probably two adults that clearly understand the risks involved. That being said, idiots will be idiots. It becomes our responsibility to keep the idiots under control. Some idiot will see the video and figure he/she/it can "one-up" you. This industry can't afford to take any more hits or it's over for all of us. Hopefully, others will watch the video in this thread and then read the commentary. Maybe we have an opportunity to educate others?


Just so everyone understands the seriousness of this:
35k$ fine for flying close to manned aircraft.
If he was swinging water to fight a fire and you fly anywhere in that area its 250k$ fine.
this is no joke!
No you can can't get a waiver after the fact? no viable helicopter company would allow this. yes it would damage a blade if the helli hit your drone leading to you being responsible for those damages!
I'd take this thread down completely Donnie! We don't need this negative traffic. If I'm "that guy" its because I give a ....
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I refuse to watch the video , very irresponsible . W hat if the turbulence of the helicopter knocked your drone antenna off and your drone flew out of control and into the heli's engine crashing it . It's not what you can control it's what you can't ! Think about it ! I just want to fly through an empty lot , cause it's cool ....
Serious question for y’all.

we were in class G airspace.
We agreed to “formation flying”
We planned each route I would fly and he would fly for each shot
I had a spotter standing right next to me.
I maintained constant communication with the pilot via radio.

the video was later reported to the FAA and (you guys can believe me or not with this one I really don’t care) they called the helicopter company and spoke with the owner and the thing they were most concerned about was “was the pilot aware of the drone?”

what type of waivers and fines are you referring to? thanks in advance for your time

@Futuramille @Donnie Baker @BigAl07
Serious question for y’all.

we were in class G airspace.
We agreed to “formation flying”
We planned each route I would fly and he would fly for each shot
I had a spotter standing right next to me.
I maintained constant communication with the pilot via radio.

the video was later reported to the FAA and (you guys can believe me or not with this one I really don’t care) they called the helicopter company and spoke with the owner and the thing they were most concerned about was “was the pilot aware of the drone?”

what type of waivers and fines are you referring to? thanks in advance for your time

@Futuramille @Donnie Baker @BigAl07

Tag me all you want but I said my "peace" in post #10.

Serious question for y’all.

we were in class G airspace.
We agreed to “formation flying”
We planned each route I would fly and he would fly for each shot
I had a spotter standing right next to me.
I maintained constant communication with the pilot via radio.

the video was later reported to the FAA and (you guys can believe me or not with this one I really don’t care) they called the helicopter company and spoke with the owner and the thing they were most concerned about was “was the pilot aware of the drone?”

what type of waivers and fines are you referring to? thanks in advance for your time

@Futuramille @Donnie Baker @BigAl07

The drone could get sucked into the vortex of the helicopter blades. It's how a helicopter crashed into another way back when they doing something news related and one flew on top or below and they got magnetized into each other.

It was a good video, like the Skydio 2 flying in the city under some tram car cables but it wouldn't be a good idea to continue doing it. If the drone took out a rotor blade at that height, it could be catastrophic but I'm not sure. Definitely catastrophic if the tail rotor got hit. An Apache flew in between 2 tree tops and they had to eject because it was going down. Gunner was asked by the Pilot if he can make it, gunner said no but he went for it anyway.

Of course, a lot of other things could go wrong but a lot of things could go wrong just by being safe at home too, or on a bus, or in an Uber, or at the mall, etc. but the things people can foresee instant negative effects people take action over the most. You obviously fly great, the video was great, judgments and control were great but it's the instant what ifs that scare people the most. I had a full TX loss out of the blue which made the drone go immediately into stage 2 failsafe, I also had a full quick and complete VTX loss when everything was flying fine prior (instantly disarmed).
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