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I managed to destroy my GT200S even before I got airborne..


New Member
Aug 26, 2017
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Hi guys!

Yes. My title says it all... I got my new Diatone 2017 GT200S , connected my Frsky q7 to the reciever and connected to Betaflight.

What first started with me unable to get the AUX channels to work in betaflight evolved into me setting the wrong ports and I am no longer able to connect my quad or flash. It turned out I followed guides for the 2016 models, and since the Diatone manuals SUCK(!!) I have a 400 dollar throwing star on steroids.

I have tried many guides. Everything I have tried includes different USB ports and cables, I have been holding in the boot button, if the boot button is the boot button on the FC. Was the only logic thing to find.

I have tried Betaflight, Baseflight and Cleanflight, but everyone fails to connect. I set Baud rate 256000, I tried different tabs. Load firmware on connect etc etc. Everything fails to connect and flash.

Windows USB port overview sayse that the quad is an unknown device, and drivers are not installed. I have installed every driver.

I tried what this guy did: https://droneracingpilots.com/thread...ing.406/page-3
"YAHTZEE BOYS!!! we have successful reflash. I swapped out to ANOTHER USB cord, and I set the thing to autoflash as soon as connected, AND held the boot button THE WHOLE TIME it was flashing and it was successful. now Im back into betaflight and ill be following the setup instructions we outlined earlier in the thread (thx jerry) and hopefully we will get this bird airborne"

This didnt work.

I tried the ST demonstrator GUI, and it came up with "port 01", but that port shows even if the quad is connected or not. Also, when I press "next" it says that the port is already used by another connection.

I also tried the Impulse Driver Fixer. But the application never found the quad.

By the way, when I holdt the button I suspect is the boot loader and connect to the PC I still get that Orange flashing light.

Anyone have any ideas? Im really struggling here..

What I did in the ports section of betaflight was that I enabled port Uart 1, 2 and set Aurt 3 as serial RX. I disabled the top one.
Did you try setting to "flash on connect" and plugging in with boot button pressed? I also like to use manual baudrate of 115200. Joshua Bardwell probably has the best video on this.

Hi Orange, and thank you.

Yes, I have tried that.

What I find strange is that the quad appears as unknown USB, both in windows and Zadig. And I know that the drivers are installed. I have tripe checked this.
It appears that I dont vet the quad in bootloader mode. Can anyone confirm that on the 2017 gt200 that the gyro lights should not flash when holding down the button?

Or better yet, is the button on the FC the Bootloader?

Cause mine is flashing when I hold it in and connect.

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