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Image Doesn't Seem Better with Furious True-D V3


May 7, 2017
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I had been using a NexWave FSV2442 module and read all this good info on the Furious Diversity True-D v3 module so I bought one.

I'm running a FatShark HD3, the FatShark RH directional antennae, and an Immersion (flat) antennae) on it. I'd been just running the FatShark RH Directional antennae on the NexWave.

After maybe 15 packs through the Furious Module, the broadcast or image I see through my goggles is actually worse than with the NexWave in certain circumstance. I notice if I fly my drone behind me, the image break-up/noise is way more pronounced and lasts longer to the point I lose sight of obstacles. If the drone goes behind something like a tree, the image "noise"/break-up is more severe and lasts longer than compared to the NexWave. Flying the same route/course with the NexWave, the noise is never so bad that I lose track of what's in front of me, nor does it last as long, nor do I get noise that disrupts the whole screen, its only a few lines on the screen, never obscuring my view. This is the case regardless of which of my 3 FPV drones I fly.

In front of me, I do notice I get less "noise" with the Furious, but not like 50% less, maybe 10% less.

At this point I prefer flying with the NexWave and see no advantage using the Furious module. Looking for some help/advice...

I'm wondering a few things. I'm wondering if those long duration "break-ups" are when its switching between antennaes. Like its going from the flat one to the directional and vice-a-versa...

Was there something extra I needed to do other than just plugging the Furious Module in? Am I expecting to much when I fly behind me or behind dense obstacles like a very leafy tree?
yup, i have that furious v3.5 (came with the updated version) and calibration did a allot. sometimes recalibrating helps but i don't do that very often. i would say the difference i saw after calibrating is like between what i actually see and what the dVr records which isnt good.
i still get static around behind my head or a juicy bush but i think that's just 5.8 ghz
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