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Learning acro??


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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Can I learn acro with line of sight flying. It's starting to seem like it's meant for fpv and that's it. Like I know there's a learning curve but like many thing I can tell when something shouldn't be like that way while learning and it seems to me that just the acro setting is strictly for fpv especially learning it aside from simulator
Can I learn acro with line of sight flying. It's starting to seem like it's meant for fpv and that's it. Like I know there's a learning curve but like many thing I can tell when something shouldn't be like that way while learning and it seems to me that just the acro setting is strictly for fpv especially learning it aside from simulator
pilots have been flying acro for years... WAY before fpv was a common thing. Self level hasnt been around that long on the grad scheme of things, all there was before was flying, and that was no self level (aka acro). I can control a heli in acro, and Have been able to creep around without destroying one for years, but we're talking beyond slow and steady. I strapped on fpv and learned acro in about 2 hours on the simulator. In 8 hours on the sim I can fly acro in fpv better than I can fly self level line of sight. The key is time on the sticks, and the best way to do that is through a simulator
Whoops don't fly in acro well IMO. The sim is the best bet. I have been flying FPV acro for a year and am still learning los acro, it's a whole different animal
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Imo acro is something you learn fpv before trying it los.
But hey each to their own Bronco.
Oh to be this good.
I just purchased freerider simulator only to find out that my transmitter isn't going to work with it. Only 5.99 but still... I have a flysky i6 and Radiolink at9 and at9s. Is there a simulator app that works with these transmitters?
Let me know. Thank you
I just purchased freerider simulator only to find out that my transmitter isn't going to work with it. Only 5.99 but still... I have a flysky i6 and Radiolink at9 and at9s. Is there a simulator app that works with these transmitters?
Let me know. Thank you
It will work for it. Why would t it. It's all over youtube at9s and free rider :)
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Why do I need that now. Man this hobby is one thin after another. Wth do we need te reciever now for and why wouldn't it say that in the description. So many hidden doors not explained in this hobby and frankly it's very upsetting. I know the hobbys newish still but god **** you sell a simulator and if you know it won't work without he transmitter you should have to give that info wtf
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Why do I need that now. Man this hobby is one thin after another. Wth do we need te reciever now for and why wouldn't it say that in the description. So many hidden doors not explained in this hobby and frankly it's very upsetting. I know the hobbys newish still but god **** you sell a simulator and if you know it won't work without he transmitter you should have to give that info wtf
I feel you, i think the same thing whenever I have to go to the hobby shop, and freerider was originally a phone app before anything else so they weren't intending it to be a full learning simulator like realflight for the computer which comes with a transmitter for the program
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So are the pics I posted above a couple posts is that everything I need??
Should be, that's all I have at least and can connect to both computer and my galaxy s8 with the usb plug the phone came with. It's a lot of things sticking out of my phone at once though I won't lie lol
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