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Learning acro??

That was the drone I was gonna start with. Looks fun. I went with arris instead. Just seemed better for what I wanted :) post a pic purples my fav color :)
That was the drone I was gonna start with. Looks fun. I went with arris instead. Just seemed better for what I wanted :) post a pic purples my fav color :)
Me too arris c250
M3talrocks FPV on youtube is mine
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So that was the drone I had my eyes on for about a year as I was researching and getting into the FPV world before I just bought a quad I did a lot of research on it and that was the best one that seem to me for the money but then about three weeks before I was ready to purchase I realize there was some problems with the VTX being just garbage as well as it was placed in properly so you couldn't access the channels The top plate and bottom plate we're extremely thin as well as the side plates there was no center stand off so from the front to the back standoffs there was no center support as well as it wasn't carbon fiber and the LED lighting had problems with shorting out oh and one more thing the engines we're just not up to par after doing extensive looking into them other than that which is everything can be fixed or switched out but at that rate you're better off buying something that you don't have to do that too then I ran into the arris 220 V2 and fell in love and that everything I could possibly want very quality parts except for the battery I'm realizing right now is garbage as well as the hardware the screws they just don't seem like they're constructing very well which is very easily replaceable
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But again for the price it's not too bad but I would definitely suggest the eachine x220s over the original otherwise just go up to a chameleon or alien rr5 ;)
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That's kinda what I was seeing, that's why I was reluctant to get it but I've seen mixed reviews so just wasn't sure seems eachine tends to be like that with all their products, I currently use their ev800 goggles and they're alright, had to get into it and fix some wiring issues, it's pretty much rebuilt by now with all I've done to them.
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That's kinda what I was seeing, that's why I was reluctant to get it but I've seen mixed reviews so just wasn't sure seems eachine tends to be like that with all their products, I currently use their ev800 goggles and they're alright, had to get into it and fix some wiring issues, it's pretty much rebuilt by now with all I've done to them.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. They got good stuff just te people building with it suck haha. Idk though their new goggles have the potential to destroy fatshark :) waiting eagerly for the reviews so they will release them
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Yea I'm really happy with arris so far, I might just stick with them for now. although I don't like how on my 250 v2 the battery lines up with the motors, it's sketchy if the battery slips, could cause some serious damage. And it does cause some interference with video also even with an ESC filter.
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Yea I'm really happy with arris so far, I might just stick with them for now. although I don't like how on my 250 v2 the battery lines up with the motors, it's sketchy if the battery slips, could cause some serious damage. And it does cause some interference with video also even with an ESC filter.
Hmm yeah that is unfortunate have you thought of puttin the guts on another frame :)
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