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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2021
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I was flying some low level up the river when i lost signal after a couple of bends.
I had vision but control was sketchy. I made the mistake of long pressing the wrong button on the MC and put it into landing mode. I then lost everything and heart rate went up. After a while, up she pops and starts coming home where i was able to take over and land without inncident.
When i watched back the video i realised how lucky i got. The land command had it lowering right into the river at a point that was far enough away across rough terrain that i prob would not have found him again. Literally a couple of feet from the water, the lost signal failsafe kicked in and she rose up for the RTH. Once it got to height i had control again.

i think i was very lucky and certainly came away with some new knowledge. Its been many years since ive had an inncident and was certainly reminded about the dangers of complacency
What a great feeling when it does what it's supposed to do. I was about a mile across a lake went around a bend behind some trees to look at a Dam when I lost everything, my heart rate went up and I thought this is it. After about a minute of waiting I heard the drone coming home and knew it was ok when it came into view on the Goggles. I only wish it hadn't lost video and stopped recording feed until it was about halfway home.

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