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lunch break

this is what im talking about this is why I love fpv .. And im only getting started ... Lads I came into some money .. £200 to be precise and now have a chance to get something a little nice .. Im not a racer im a learner can fly quads etc and have good los / control etc but cannot do acro well I can but I bury it after 5 min each time its a cheap quad .. Im looking for a transmitter and whoop for indoor and out { mainly indoor 80% } any help quad and the radio to control it as I have the re dji goggles with my mavic
ah mate I dont want to bury it after 3 flights in a wall .. Im not as good as ye yet and needs little more time unless you can agree on a quad that will work nicely also .. Yes about the weather to im in ireland .. Lo
Ah what are ya at?
I can fly a mavic { who cant lol ] have a little whoop for inside doing the house flying .. Using the goggles for that also a mambo and a few little drones so im comfortable flying but love a proper controller and a proper whoop or quad but nothing 100mph killing people quad .. Budget is £200 thats about 250dollars for radio and quad whoop ?
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I will tell you this, it doesn't matter what you buy my friend you will crash. (lots)
That is simply part of the learning curve.
Be prepared to break something regularly.
Get a sim and fly on it all the time.
Buy lots of spares and when you can, more birds.
Build if you are confident, then you will fix things easier.
But hey at the end of the day, just fpv as much as you can.
It is airborne crack.
btw, in my book, indoor flying counts! its stick time. as you get bigger in size, the flight envelop changes that's all.
my 5" cerberus feels like a Cadillac compared to the 2" cerb. but the 2" will cover smaller spaces with the same gusto. you fly inside the envelope of the craft you have. if you take that house flyer outside, you quickly learn its short comings.... and you get something more powerful (pic a toy). keep charging and burning batteries through what ever you have.
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Irish, LOS is WAY more difficult to learn in acro than fpv. Download a sim and learn fpv acro on it first to keep damage to a minimum
Sweet 1 pack attack futura
yeah ive been looking over these also .. seen that only a few radios can do this ..

Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 16.59.30.png

is this over kill or perfect for the job and future proof to a certain extent ?
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when it comes to a transmitter, there is no such thing as overkill. taranis is what i use. x9d plus se. your gonna fly alot of models but you get one TX. get the absolute best you can! personally, I'd go with Taranis as they have the best and smallest Rx and plays will with betaflight. I'm biosed but.. do the research, get the best possible
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