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Matek F722 broken?


Jul 6, 2021
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Hello, I'm building my first drone. After soldering all parts together I tried to turn the drone on via a smokestopper (vifly shortsaver 2). It indicated that there was no short and I had it turned on for about 20 seconds. Then the next day I tried to put in a battery directly and I heard a noise and saw smoke come out of the part where the fc was. It was only a little bit of smoke, since I only touched the contacts with the battery and didn't push it in completely, and I could remove the battery instantly (contact for about 0.5 s), but smoke nonetheless. Then I checked the contacts with a multimeter for continuity and it beeped. After that I started to remove everything from the fc again and checked for continuity after removing every part, and it always beeped. Then when I disconnected the fc from the esc the multimeter stopped beeping, so thats how i think i know that the fc is fried. I also checked for continuity from the minus ans plus pole from the battery lead with every single motor wire and nothing happend. So I thought that I had found the problem, but then i tried to plug in the fc to my laptop and it turned on. Now I don't know if I need a new one or what else could be the problem.
Thanks for every response in advance


  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-29 um 22.55.02.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-29 um 22.55.02.png
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    Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-29 um 22.55.07.png
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  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-29 um 22.55.44.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-29 um 22.55.44.png
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Looks like you need a new one. You have done well. Don't worry I smoked a Hobbywing G3 fc. I can't find anything wrong in the photos.
had a matek 722 worked about a week and gyro died, went with a hglrcc f722 zues and it's working very well, put a matek 410-std in recent build, had to drop the gyro to 4k but when I did it settled right down, now it's butter smooth,
Sorry to say that you have probably fried your 5v resistor , have tried replacing these before but no success , and also had to buy a new one

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