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Might DJI replace instead of repair?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2021
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My vision sensors and bottom infrared sensors went out after a crash. If i ask DJI to repair it, does anyone think they would just send me a replacement, refurbished or otherwise instead, of doing the repair? I think i have heard of such things in the Forum. Also, It is pretty beat up from prior crashes but amazingly, flys fine, even without the vision sensors when above 15 m. It is a tank.
My vision sensors and bottom infrared sensors went out after a crash. If i ask DJI to repair it, does anyone think they would just send me a replacement, refurbished or otherwise instead, of doing the repair? I think i have heard of such things in the Forum. Also, It is pretty beat up from prior crashes but amazingly, flys fine, even without the vision sensors when above 15 m. It is a tank.
If you had Care Refresh, they'd replace. On a Service Paid Ticket, they can go either way depending on degree of repairs and I think based on other repairs, just their bench decision for cameras, A3 Pro, LB2, etc.

The actual Craft... with Serial Number.. I'd lean more to repair than them reassigning serial number to new craft for a service ticket.

One way to know, send it and see what ships back!
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does anyone think they would just send me a replacement,

its a bit unknown....
I sent mine if for repair (not dji care) and even though it only had one broken arm - they just replaced it with a brand new drone. ( which was 6 weeks ago?)
a story that seems to be pretty common...
(you can tell its new, new box, firmware is old, all the protective stickers, no marks... smells new ;) )

the thing is, we dont know why....
is it the repair centres dont have parts/skills? do they not have any refurb units? is it just easier/more economic? a liability issue from a repaired drone failing?

it could be in the 'mid-term' that they send all the broken drones back to china, where they get them stripped down, and then perhaps build 'refurb' drones from them... and send out to repair centres, who can then use these as stock for returns, rather than new drones.
on the other hand, in the 'grand scheme' of things, that could be really not worthwhile for DJI.

I think overall is very likely you'll get a new drone.

what I learned was.... (as I have care refresh)

if its a minor-ish accident - check costs of parts, if its less than 200 euro/$, (bare in mind, repairs pay for shipping/quote) - ask for a quote do NOT use the refresh option - once you get the quote, if its high - you still are given the option to use your care-refresh!

if its major, use care-refresh, as it'll be returned just a little bit quicker, since they don't need to check the drone over. (shipping etc is included in 'cost')

if you use care-refresh, include everything like battery/props... as they will include brand new replacements even if they weren't damaged ;)

anyway, I have to say, I was super happy with the repair service I got from DJI
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