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Motion Controller tips


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
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For safety reasons, I always takeoff and land direct visual ( You should too). With the motion controller this can be a bit awkward, putting on and taking off the goggles, without the drone gyrating and spinning around in place.

Use the brake! When you get up in the air, hit the brake. Now you can let the controller dangle from your risk, while you put your goggles on, and the FPV will just sit there peacefully not moving. Do the same when you return to land, use the brake, ignore the controller, take your goggles off, grab the controller and bring it in.

Much safer, and way less nerve wracking!

Edit: spelling
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You can't fly backwards.

Don't forget though you can spin around in a hover, and with Visual Positioning and GPS, this will keep you in place to yaw around 180° and get out of trouble.

Just stay off the trigger!
yeah, I need to practice the LOS flying with the MC - I think its the only way to (in particular) land safetly.

(I'm still pretty uncomfortable landing with the MC - it feels a bit uncontrolled)


- practice the vertical up/down action - I found this far from intuitive since you have to point up/down **alot** - basically, its be stationary, point up very high .. then press trigger.

- avoid turning your wrist, or moving your arm... just tilt the MC (back/forward, left/right)
I find if i turn my wrist, or move my arm - at some point, i find myself a bit disoriented about how my hand is positioned.
sub tip: if you get disoriented, brake - and recentre your hand :)

- normal mode - has some kind of anticipation or smoothing on it... which sometimes feels like the drone is not doing what your asking.
switch to sports mode, and its actually feels a bit more connected (imho)

what to do with the MC?

- use it fly low and through objects ... since its self levelling and N mode has avoidance (to some extent) its actually very easy to get close to things.
id say its easier that the sticks for this , as you have the 'sights' to guide you.
I think its a good way to get familar with flying low and through gaps - gettting a feeling for where the ground is, and the size of gap you need.
( I guess put another way, its easier to fly, so you can concentrate more on what you're doing - rather than how)

- use it to chill
Ive been really trying to up my skills on the sticks, and can get to the point Im pushing to hard - start making mistakes and having some 'near misses' (well nearer than id like)
I now tend to finish that pack, put down the sticks and take up it up with the MC ... no pressure, just enjoy the flying, and do something different.
For safety reasons, I always takeoff and land direct visual ( You should too). With the motion controller this can be a bit awkward, putting on and taking off the goggles, without the drone gyrating and spinning around in place.

I also concur with this. Every time it's time to land, I'll execute RTH and allow it to come down to me close enough to the ground where I will cancel RTH and visually guide it to the landing spot.

One peeve I do hate is that (at least for me) it's very hard to point the controller down correctly enough to select the "altitude down" option. It's super-easy to point the controller up and select the "altitude up". To circumvent this, I'll guide the drone directly above the landing spot and just hold the red button and allow it to land while keeping my finger on the big brake button in case it comes down and drifts away from the designated landing spot.
I concur with all that ya'll have said. Expanding on landing, it IS a really fun challenge to bring it in and successfully land FPV, and does develop some new skills.

If you have a good spot to take the bit higher risk with a full FPV landing, have some fun with it. Here's landing on my tiny back deck... If anything goes wrong, it'll likely crash into the fence around the deck and fall in the backyard, where I can retrieve it and send it to DJI for repair ?


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