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Motor 2,3 Stuck at max rpm


New Member
Jul 2, 2021
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Hello, I have a problem with 2 motors on my fpv drone I recently built. Everything works fine until I arm the drone and give it some throttle. Arming works perfectly good the motors are all spinning at the same rpm's. When I apply some throttle (about 10%) I just lose control and there is the problem. 2 of the 4 motors start to increase very fast the RPMs while others stay at the same I sent with the radio. When I try to set the throttle to zero the motors just decrease to 50% and the only way to stop the drone is to disarm it . A while ago it happened the same with motors 1 and 3. I checked every wire, controlled the accelerometer, and calibrated all the instruments. I even reset the radio and receiver. What should I do?
Yes, I tried in the past but did it again now. Anyway here is what happened this time. When I gave it maximum throttle the motors 2,3 went to max rpm and 1,4 to 50%. When I lowered it the motors 1,4 went to about 25% and the 2,3 to 50% but when I increased it again it reversed. the motors 1,4 went to the max while 2,3 went to 50%. Although calibration was completed successfully (note that I have a DShot) nothing changed. All the inputs of the radio in bf are correct.
Are you trying this in a field with props on or just sitting on the bench?
Are you trying this in a field with props on or just sitting on the bench?
I tried it with props on a field and the drone crashed. I then tried to calibrate everything and then came the same problem. The drone took off but I couldn't control the throttle. So I disarmed ti prevent a new crash

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