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moving on from DJI FPV in to "real" FPV


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Feb 27, 2023
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Hello guys, 35 year old guy from Sweden here. Im fairly new into this FPV scene. I have not alot of knowledge about all this. Anyway I have been flying DJI camera drones for couple of years and I bought a DJI FPV combo about a year ago. I have many hours in Liftoff and have been flying manual for a while now and feel pretty comfortable. I really want to buy a new fpv drone but preferable anything that works with my DJI goggles v2. And a radio. As i dont have much knowledge i have no idea what radio i should be buying but i found this drone since it has DJI air unit. A bit pricey for me though i would rather buy something cheaper to start with. Could anyone help me out with couple of alternatives and a radio that will work? Preferable not more then 500$ to start with. I was also thinking about maybe buying any of the cheap ReadyToFly bundles with goggles and everything, im not sure though. Much appreciated if I can buy it Here as it ships fast to Sweden. Im grateful for any advice or help thank you.
here is my current setup if anyone is interested


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Drop the "real" label. The DJI FPV is every bit a real FPV drone, and pretty good in it's class, on balance.

To help you, we need a better idea of what you want to do. In that sense, it's the class of FPV drone your looking for that we need to know. For example, are you looking to race, or do you want to capture cinematic footage?

Do you plan to use it in tight cluttered places? This affects whether you need the protection of ducted props, for example.
Drop the "real" label. The DJI FPV is every bit a real FPV drone, and pretty good in it's class, on balance.

To help you, we need a better idea of what you want to do. In that sense, it's the class of FPV drone your looking for that we need to know. For example, are you looking to race, or do you want to capture cinematic footage?

Do you plan to use it in tight cluttered places? This affects whether you need the protection of ducted props, for example.
i respect your opinion but i would not say dji fpv is as "real" as the other fpv quads from well known brands. Its not similair to any other fpv drone to start with and certainly not the frame, it will shatter and brake on first high speed impact due to all the plastic, where as a real fpv quad wont with fibreglass/carbon fibre structure. And it does not fly nearly as good, especially with stock plastic props. Dji fpv is a combination of fpv and camera drone, so comparing it to a drone that is only made for one purpose (fpv) wont be fair. With that said dji fpv is still a very good drone, especially if you want to get into the hobby. Im not hating on it like many other fpv pilots do. But i would not call it a real fpv quad, simply because its not.
What does FPV stand for?
i respect your opinion but i would not say dji fpv is as "real" as the other fpv quads from well known brands. Its not similair to any other fpv drone to start with and certainly not the frame, it will shatter and brake on first high speed impact due to all the plastic, where as a real fpv quad wont with fibreglass/carbon fibre structure. And it does not fly nearly as good, especially with stock plastic props. Dji fpv is a combination of fpv and camera drone, so comparing it to a drone that is only made for one purpose (fpv) wont be fair. With that said dji fpv is still a very good drone, especially if you want to get into the hobby. Im not hating on it like many other fpv pilots do. But i would not call it a real fpv quad, simply because its not.
Sorry but I disagree. I have the Avata and FPV and Mini 2----and I learned on Liftoff and Cetus X. Now---in my humble opinion, the Cetus is way harder to fly and is OK for what it is. It is very touchy and unstable ands is good for about 4-5 minutes. It is a handful and demands constant attention and reaction.

Just because the FPV will hold its position "hands off" does not mean it is not a real FPV. I have the arm braces for "just in case" but it is not for racing or freestyle. It will do stuff the Cetus X will not. And give decent flight time. The Avata is a more relaxed camera style tree surfer.

I would guess what you are looking for is a free style drone---which the FPV or Avata is not---However Mr. Steele makes the Avata look pretty capable.

My advice is try the Cetus X or the Tiny Go combo and see if it is what you want. I think the Tiny Go is now 4K video for around $300. Watch out for trees and a bit of wind will cause you grief as I found out my 3rd flight with the Cetus. Took a week to get it down. Biggest advantage I find over DJI is battery price.

Check back in and let us know what you decided. I would love to hear your thoughts after owning both.
Biggest advantage I find with the FPV and Avata is when I need a moment to just catch my breath, shake my hands to loosen them up, and relax my mind even for a moment, I CAN.

Pilot load with any traditional FPV is high, and constant from takeoff to landing. It's actually a good thing the run times are short.

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