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Need help with choosing parts for first build


New Member
Feb 16, 2019
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I want a fast line of sight flying quadcopter like the bug 3 but even faster. That can do flips and aerial stunts also like the Bug 3. It needs to be big at least 300+ mm because I like flying high in the sky so I don't crash and I need to be able to see it. Because lets face it I'm still a newb and the higher I can stay the safer it is for others. I love the Bug 3. I love it's speed most of all. But I keep losing the suckers. I lose orientation by some bad maneuver and it gets to far away from me and bye bye Bug 3. I've lost 3 already and know it's only a matter of time before I lose the forth. The last one I even tried installing a fpv camera so if I lose orientation I could use the screen(My Phone) to reorient my self and bring it home. Lets just say it didn't work and I cracked my $500 phones screen in the process because my phone wouldn't fit in the holder with it's case on. So I want to build a quadcopter that fits my specifications because after scouring the internet for 2 days, I can't find one that comes close to what I want. I think it would be easier to just list the things I'm looking for in my build in a list below but first let me just state I don't give a crap about fpv or video recording. Already have a Hubsan X4 if I wanted to shoot some video. I just want to have fun zipping it around in the sky doing neat little stunts, but have a safety net for when I make a mistake. Crashing is one thing I'm just tired of seeing my money drift away with the wind and into the woods.

1: Needs to be big at least 300mm or bigger but no bigger than 450mm. 7" or 8" props. I want to see it in the sky.
2: Would like it to be even faster then the Bug 3 maybe even better acceleration too. At least 60+mph if that's doable. The faster the better.
3: An ability to turn off safety features and do flips and stunts when I'm feeling bold.
4: stable flight system, 6 axis gyro, compass, altitude hold, all that newbie stuff
5: Want it to have headless mode and GPS RTH, this is a MUST. Although I can live without headless mode.
6: To be on safe side would like it to have around 1000m - 1500m control range or at least a reliable RTH fail-safe if signal loss occurs
7: Plenty of pretty lights for the under side, as I sometime like to do some night flying
8: No more than $500 price range with everything including remote

If someone can suggest me a build list that can get me close to these specs I would be a happy camper. I understand there is more to just putting the parts together but I'll cross that road when I get to it. First I need to know what to buy because there are to many brands and options and it's got my head spinning. Thank you for your time and expertise. I am pretty tech savvy and even know a little bit of coding. I'm sure I can handle thing once I get some experienced advice and what Brand and size Motors and ESC I should get, what flight controller and PDB I should get. Or if I should get one of those All-In-Ones. So many options and I don't want to waste any more money buying the wrong thing or having regrets because I find out this is better than that. If I'd known what I know now, I would never have bought the 4 bugs and just went straight to the DIY build. But I guess I needed to buy at least one to learn how much I enjoy racing them around the sky.

I been flying for about a month now and I own a Bug 3(#4) and a Hubsan X4 W/advance controller. I got the feel for it, little more time and I'll be a great flyer. But I also don't want to keep losing my Bugs to the forest. I even went looking for the last Bug I lost with the FPV camera. My hopes was if I could get close enough to it my phone would pick up the wifi signal it was emitting and I could narrow my search area. 6 hours later, covered in mud and thorns, near crawling from exhaustion, I gave up. I already lost the top shell in a flight the other day. I brought her down for a landing when I got low batt warning and it was just gone. It's ok, cuz I got a saying, if Duck tape don't fix it , then your not using enough Duck tape. Even added the extra headlight from the last bug I lost with the FPV camera. To help me see the front of the drone when fling at a forward pitch. At night at least anyways. Can't even see the lights in the daylight.


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I would first of all think about how you will locate your aircraft should it go missing again. Have you got a buzzer in your plans, or a gps locator as well as a camera? They will take some money out of your budget so there will be less to spend in the craft, but I think will be worth it. Also perhaps fly a cheap one which can be upgraded later, that way you can add to as you get more comfortble with the craft.
For me I am back to my Whoop. I am building it to fly indoors so I can get practice when the weather is bad.

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