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Need help with getting my flysky tansmitter to talk to the quad

If that model of TX supports iBus, then you would be ok just getting a new RX like the FS-iA6B and setting up for iBus.
If you decide to go with something new I would recommend the Frsky QX7 and either the R-XSR or XM+ receiver depending on whether you want to use telemetry or not. When you have a quad without OSD the telemetry can be very useful to know what your battery level is so you know about when to land, with OSD you really don't need it.
Thanks very much for the help.

I have ordered an FS-IA6B RX and it will arrive on Friday. I decided to get the RX since it would be easier for me to stick to my tx.
Thanks again for the help.
I'll keep you updated.

Hey everyone,

I managed to get everything to work but while I was flying I accidentally flicked my arm switch and the drone fell. I tried to get it to work again but the motors won't spin at high speeds. they work but when I raise my throttle, the just buckle and flicker. I don't know what is wrong.

Please do help,

I'm sorry Sid, I can't tell anything much from your description, so you accidentally disarmed while in the air, how high up were you and what did the quad fall onto, something soft or something hard? I will say if you have an ESC that has been damaged, do not try to arm it and give it throttle unless you are ready for a fire because they can catch fire if there is a problem. Please get a Youtube account set up and take a short video and post it for us to see, take off the props and arm and then give just enough throttle to see the issue happen once, do not push it any harder than that and do it somewhere fire safe in case and ESC blows while you are getting the video. Post the link to the video here, it can be unlisted but it must not be private or we wont be able to see it.
Ok Sid, that is a weird one, what "ESC/Motor Protocol" are you running? It is in the top right of the Betaflight Configurator/Configuration screen.
I would set the ESC Protocol to Oneshot125 and try to do an ESC calibration to see if that will fix it, if it did then I would try to run Multishot for a bit as it is faster than Dshot150 or Dshot300. DO NOT try to calibrate an ESC while in any Dshot protocol, it could screw you up. Here is video to help, and make sure PROPS ARE OFF as this can cause funny motor reactions sometimes.

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