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New FPV Article

Very exciting. I wish it were also accurate. After reading that there are 3 types of drones: racers, whoops and cinelifters and that whoops are used for “quiet flights” hmmm I stopped reading.
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I watched Red Notice with my girlfriend when it first came out. As soon as it started I paused it and said to her, "Wow....I think we're seeing the first FPV footage in a major motion picture EVER." At that time I had no idea that FPV had found it's way into the film industry. I DID know that it was only a matter of time.

A little more than a year ago I saw the introduction of the Red Komodo (YouTuber Potato Jet). I've been a subscriber to his channel for a while.

When I saw the size, features and price point I thought to myself, "Someone's gonna FPV that beotch."

After the opening scene I recognized the FPV in the foot chase. That was great, too. I have to say that I thought the tunnel scene was VFX. Color me wrong.

I've been watching FPV grow since its inception, but never really cared for the low-quality footage. Now with image stabilization and the ability to shoot 5K it's really coming into its own. I'm still not interested in flying like that, but maybe someday....

Note: I assume, based on the photo in the article, that the used the ARRI Mini. Not sure when that came out, but still, same song, different dance.

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Very exciting. I wish it were also accurate. After reading that there are 3 types of drones: racers, whoops and cinelifters and that whoops are used for “quiet flights” hmmm I stopped reading.
Thanks for noticing that for us Bzmot. Editing mistake. It's fixed now.
I'm not sure what you edited... but the article states that cinewoops are quieter than racing drones. While that may be true sometimes... it sure isn't a "factual" statement. Even the term "racing drones" as used in the article is pretty generic.

Honestly, there are several questionable statements in the article. I'm sorry but it appears to me to be written by someone who is just learning about drones and really doesn't know what they are talking about,
I'm not sure what you edited... but the article states that cinewoops are quieter than racing drones. While that may be true sometimes... it sure isn't a "factual" statement. Even the term "racing drones" as used in the article is pretty generic.

Honestly, there are several questionable statements in the article. I'm sorry but it appears to me to be written by someone who is just learning about drones and really doesn't know what they are talking about,
Our columnist Michael Keeper has had 7 years experience flying all kinds of drones so he's certainly not new to this. This is his first article.


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