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New here....it's too much fun


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2017
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So I've been flying small drones for quite a bit of time now, but not FPV drones. Last year I got into DJI drones and have been enjoying them quite a lot. I own two now (Phantom 3 Standard and Mavic Pro) and get together with local drone pilots to do some flying. A lot of them also have FPV racers so it got me interested. My friend Tony built two of them, but has issues flying them. So one time I asked to give it a shot. I was able to fly LOS without to much issues. I went home that night and downloaded a couple simulators (liftoff and DRL simulator) and practiced. The next fly in we had I flew with his FatSharks and had two amazing fun flights. I've flown Tony's drone several more times and love it.

So I recently bit the bullet and got my own drone:
Free shipping!ARRIS X-Speed 250B RTF w/Flysky Radio w/EV800 Goggle (US Warehouse)

For some reason they didn't ship the goggles yet, so I emailed them about it. Hopefully it'll get here soon since I prefer to fly FPV. I did a quick hover test in my house (in self leveling mode) to make sure it flew, and then I tested it with a GoPro 3 I want to mount to make sure it works ok. Did a quick flight indoors to make sure:

So since the goggles with the combo might take awhile to get here (coming from china...USA warehouse my butt), I ordered these goggles for now:
Amazon.com: Crazepony Eachine FPV Goggles Vr-007 5.8G 40CH 4.3 Inch TFT LCD Monitor with 7.4V 1600mAh Battery for RC Quadcopter: Car Electronics
It'll get here friday. So this weekend I'm hoping to get some flights in to test her out.

Between the DRL simulator and watching tons of youtube videos, Im looking forward to it. This drone will get me flying for now, and I plan on building my next one.

So thats my story.
So did a quick first flight today after moving the GoPro to the actual gopro mount on the frame (would be nice if directions said that what it was). Here's how I mounted it originally:
View media item 9
After talking with Jerry on here I decided to use the actual mount once I figured out what it was. So I got rid of the GoPro case and at first I used a zip tie around the camera and verlco vertically around the camera. The I tested an all velcro method. I took video to see how it worked out. My gopro was set to 960 for some reason...but normally I'll shoot at 1080. But see if you can see a different. I kind of like the velcro only a bit better, but need to figure out how to move the strap so it doesn't block the view. Also need to figure out how to angle the camera a bit to match FPV camera. Here's how it looked for the last video:

So heres my first flight video...not to exciting since I kept in self level mode (angle). I normally wouldn't fly in the back of my house with an FPV drone, since there is a creek and trees all around..but for this test it was ok. There was one point I got a bit to close to the creek, so I killed the motors and landed her quickly (did fire them up for softer landing). Enjoy:

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Welcome to DRP spider . :)
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Based on my shopping and pricing that is a good set-up isn't it. I looked at a similar package, but I still have this itch to build my own.

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