Hi Donnie
Sorry about the lonnnng delay in replying, I only have access to this site through my office computer, so did not see your post till I got in this morning.
I'm flying a Walkera F210, the weather here in UK has been crap for weeks, rain high winds, not good flying conditions for a drone without GPS, (any drone for that matter). I took the F210 out yesterday for the first serious attempt at stunts, good job the flying field was a nice grass meadow.
Had a few contacts with the ground, but no damage due to the grass and soft earth under foot.
Man flying FPV and doing stunts is not easy, especially if you attempt multiple rolls and flips in succession, pulling out and then trying to get your bearings V difficult, how these young kids can barrel roll through a multi-story car park cracks me up, i've a long way to go it seems.
Anyway great to hear from you thanks for your welcome post
