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Newbie...trying to not get overwhelmed


Sep 17, 2017
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Cumming, GA
hello to all from the northern part of Georgia

Just started getting into the FPV and racing part of this hobby. Been flying all my toy Rc's until the motors have been burned slap out of them. Basically started with a Syma and learned everything i could about them (especially how to replace all the parts) I think I've become bored with the slow speed and the fact I cant switch the modes. My dad actually got me into this hobby and we use his Phantom to look at the tops of houses for damage and making sure we can repair what we see lol.

He loves his Phantom but I'm looking to get into the racing side of this hobby and all he wants to do is take pictures. So any advice on a new build or if anyone has anything laying around they would think would be good for a racing beginner would be greatly appreciated.

Everything i have read so far on all of these forums has been extremely helpful but like i said i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and if anyone has a helping hand it wont be turned away.

Glad to be here
Hi controldreams and welcome to The forums. Let me start by saying you are in the right place for all of the help you will need to get into fpv racing. I myself have only been on here for a short amount of time but have already received so much help and information it is overwhelming. You are in the right place. The more experienced pilots here I am sure will help.
Thank you Wayn. very glad to be here. and cant wait to actually get into a quad that scares me when i start it up lol. definitely want to start from the bottom and work my way up. really wanting to build my first racer but wondering if any of the RTF quads are worth the price point? So been looking at frames and still don't know what to start with. I'm going to have to buy it part by part and probably take my time considering funds are tight right now.
As I have found out myself and I am sure all on here will agree with me. These birds are seriously fast and not to be taken lightly. The power is incredible and safety is priority. I too started not long ago and very cautiously. The more experienced members will help you on your fpv journey as they have with me. Start easy and be patient. Best advice I can give as given to me, download a sim.
see i knew i joined this thread for a reason lol. Thank you Mr. Green and i agree a lot with Virtue.
I'm just the type of person who likes to tinker with stuff, kinda the reason why i want to build my first. I'm all about knowing how things work. But i probably need to start off slow and work my way up to get the feel for things
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Nothing wrong with that, I jumped in and built my first about a year ago. Before that I was out of RC mostly for several years, having done mostly cars before. If you do build, you might want to start with a 4" or 5" so there is more room. But, if you get the ground stuff first along with a lizard, it gives you something to fly as you save up for the build. They will use same radio and goggles.
Hi Control, I have a few 2s/3s balance chargers laying around if you need em. Why spend any money on starter stuff if you can pick it up for free!
If nothing else, it will leave you extra money for more batteries, I got a feelin you're gonna need em :-)
Welcome from another Newbie!

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