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No motors turn after crash


New Member
Aug 15, 2021
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Hello all,
Complete noob here with my first quad....Holybro Kopis 2.5 HD.
Came up short on a powerloop that I had no business trying. Hit the ground fairly hard. No motors turn. Only outward damage visible is a cracked prop guard.

When powering on I hear initial long chirp, then three fast chirps.
Vista unit light turns green after a bit. FC shows green light with blinking blue light. When I hit the arm switch on the TX, drone gives a single medium length chirp.

Hooked up to betaflight. On the controller tab. throttle up and down have corresponding 1000 to 2000 values on the screen.
Going to the motor tab, clicking okay, and using the slider to actuate the motors does nothing.

Checked for continuity between ESC pads and both battery terminals per this video
Did not find a short (no continuity).

Downloaded BL Heli Configuratior to Chrome and launched BL Heli. Hooked up drone to PC as instructed in this video
and after hitting Read Setup, I did not get any ESCs to display. I never tried using BL Heli Configurator before the crash so I don't know if everything is set up correctly.

Without taking it completely apart I don't see any damage or broken connections. Does this sound like a fried ESC?

You have done very well for someone who says they are a noob. Was there a puddle or wet grass where it crashed? Sometimes you just need to dis and reassemble (surprising but it works) and check for damage on the boards and broken wires.
You have done very well for someone who says they are a noob. Was there a puddle or wet grass where it crashed? Sometimes you just need to dis and reassemble (surprising but it works) and check for damage on the boards and broken wires.
Thanks! It took a while to dig up that much info.
No it was quite dry where I crashed.
Okay, I did order and received an ESC so I have that on hand if needed. I'll take it apart and if I don't see anything, I try re-assembling before replacing the ESC. I'm pretty apprehensive about the soldering, but I guess you gotta start somewhere.

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