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Orlando 407 group rip session

Thanks! That blackout was when we cranked it up to 500mW
and had no more issues though it still got scratchy at times. lots of juicy trees to blast 5.8 through. we usually fly at 200mW.
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if in doubt... punch out!!
We have a "don't disengage unless props are in the dirt" rule. ( ;
that was a cool spot to fly too! I need to find a spot like that ... and with no people around. Always worried something will happen and I'll end up injuring someone.
It was a trick flying with so many others. There's an etiquette that has to be followed or you can take a pilots view out when you plug in.
We learned allot yesterday!! well worth the trip and time spent. plus we met some very cool people.
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thanks Wayne! All the time and practice in our yard translates to almost any spot. I Flew 6 batteries through the Cerberus v2 there. I was hoping to practice a new trick today while Nate was at work but it rained all day. I left the ground slaps in cause thats a fact of life flying close proximity.. which is our passion.
Just clarifying for any newbies that might wonder, Milliwatts, not Megahertz is what JJ means.
all fixed... !!! We flew 10 batteries today at 500mW and it blasts though my house and trees 100ft behind us. We turned it back down to 200mW so we don't have to worry about heat buildup if stuck in a tree. with smart audio we could quickly change to 25 but I really don't know who else is about and I know there are at least 5 licensed Ham radio users in town. No need make someone upset at us.

Its interesting now Im the one taking tips from Nathaniel. I got 4 batteries through the Cerberus v2. Nate put 3 batteries through the cerb and three through the Sköll. The cerberus is so dang fast... Nate stands it on its nose and just rips hard down the lakeshore.
so much fun.
we maidened the Mavic Pro today.. just a simple flight to prove we could. Lots more of that to come...
should be fun mixing those flights with acro quad content!
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Its fun blowing by that 25mph speed limit sign doing 60+ and that's about 70% throttle. Its surprisingly difficult to hold altitude and go fast when low to the ground (sub 10') but its good practice for when we go racing! something else to practice...
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