This is a tough hobby. You really have to be prepared for failure. It comes in many forms. Your equipment and your ability mostly. Equipment is a total crap shoot, you pick and choose based on the advice of the others that came before you. You pick an FC, a frame, a VTX, props, battery, etc. You have no real idea on how they all work together. You just pick based on research.
Your ability is totally on you. I've watched others surpass me in their ability in mere weeks. The younger guys and experienced heli pilots seem to do a bit better than us old inexperienced guys. Must be the video games and the staunch heli discipline and (military) experience. I'm a grunt Jarhead.
Don't let anyone fool you, this is an expensive hobby. A decent battery is at least $20. A frame $30-$120, a Flight Controller - $20-$60, a PDB $10-$50, a VTX - $12-$50, Motors $20 a pop, ESC's $12-$20 and so on. These things will break, be prepared to buy new stuff. Add to that chargers, checkers, soldering iron, solder, flux, wire, connectors and talent and you've got the perfect mix for failure. Especially, if your wife is breathing down your back.
Like any real success in your life, this takes time, patience, money and a WILLINGNESS TO FAIL. Because you will! You'll do it over and over again, or you'll quit. If you like failing and have unlimited time and resources this is the perfect hobby for you.
Here's the catch, when you have done everything and you get that bird in the air for 3-6 minutes, you are free! You see something that very few will ever see. It's all on you, what you've done, what you've learned, your tenacity! No one that you talk to or that sees your video will ever understand it. They won't get what you went through to get to this tiny milestone. Nobody will get it but you. It's all your moment.
If you quit things when they don't suit you, stay away from this hobby. If you want accolades and applause from your feats, stay away from this hobby. If you hate fixing things, stay away from this hobby. If you don't like to research and learn, stay away from tis hobby. If you want freedom, your own time and space for 3-6 minutes at a crack, suck it up and learn. Do it again and again!
Just my thoughts after 6-7 months in this hobby.