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Random single battery rip!

It's both Nate and the Sköll I think. there's lots of crashing involved still but this was a clean battery. the skoll is tough... and I'm loving these gemfan flash 5152s. 15471810485601196908083376460300.jpg
This is too much fun! thanks for the kudos Wayne.
He can't learn if he can't crash and fly away confidently. Hes got that.. and this Sköll is a beast.
we literally have a "if in doubt, punch it" rule now" screw the scraggle
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we went from F3 FC to helio spring F3+F4 butterflight. Im not nate but but I feel it and your seeing the difference I think.
Id have stuffed it into that palm for sure. that save was truly a blessing.
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