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Rebooting my DJI FPV


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2021
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The glaciers have started to recede here, and I'm starting to reboot my FPV flying. I hit a couple of snags.

On the first flight after hibernation, I was in Normal Mode, and all seemed well initially. But toward the end of the flight, the altitude sensor seemed to go whacko. I was several hundred feet AGL, but it was intermittently flashing values showing I was 20 some feet above the ground. Weird. I brought it home, and when I actually did get close to the ground, it seemed to behave normally. But landing, I got the error message "Sensor System Error".

I thought it might have been dust on the lenses, so I lightly cleaned them.

On the second flight, I was pretty high up and far away, but visible and under 400 ft AGL. Suddenly, the video transmission just stopped. That happens briefly when I'm on the edge of the signal range, but it usually quickly recovers. This, wasn't that. No video, no flight data. I pushed the RTH button, and while the controller beeped appropriately, there was still no video, and no data. I knew it was still flying, even with the goggles on, because I knew where it was, and I could hear it. Eventually, after a long wait, the video and the data came back, and I landed normally. Once again, I got the "Sensor System Error" message.

I haven't updated the firmware in a while, so I'm going to do that, but I hit another snag. I can't find the little "OTG" cable that came with the system. We talked about this a while back, but I don't remember the specifics. I have a USB-C to USB-C cable, and in the past I've used that for the link. It sometimes struggled to connect, but it always worked eventually.

What's the reason, if any, why I shouldn't just use a single USB-C to USB-C cable, rather than doing the multi-cable patch approach?

I'm happy to get another OTG connector if that's what it's going to take. If that's the case, I'd appreciate pointers to where I might find that, preferably on Amazon.

My Minis are all flying normally, but that's just not the same...


Comments and suggestions greatly appreciated!

I connected everything up, and did a bunch of updates without a hitch.

But when I went to fly afterwards, I got an alternating error message in the goggles:

"IMU Initialization Error"
"Sensor System Error"

I didn't see anything in the manual about corrective actions around this.

Will probably mean a trip to DJI.
You may be right.

I contacted DJI support, and they suggested I calibrate the IMU through the goggles, and calibrate the sensors using DJI Assistant 2, which I haven't used before.

The weather here has been really weird, and there could have been a very steep temperature gradient between the launch point and where the failure occurred. In some of the research that I've done people have said that the temp at which the IMU is calibrated makes a difference.

I'll try the "home brew" solutions first, and then send it in if I need to.



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