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Reviving lipos left charged too long?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
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So I messed up and left a good amount of lipos fully charged for quite a few months now the say they charge up but say badly and drop to a 3.5v per cell in my osd even though my checker says they are still charged. Is this what happens when you do this and is there anyway to save them? Thanks in advance!
You can get a bit of performance back by flying them down low in voltage gently and recharging a few times, each battery is different but theoretically it will improve it even if they never get great again.
You can get a bit of performance back by flying them down low in voltage gently and recharging a few times, each battery is different but theoretically it will improve it even if they never get great again.
I was thinking to do a reverse charging process on my bad lipos using my isdt charger. I'm trying to make sure I do it right though. Can you help me confirm how to calculate? Like if I have a lipo that is 4v per cell, how do I set my charger to drop it down. Also what should I drop them to? Thanks I'd really appreciate any help! Even if you just know of a link that will help me that'd be great too. Would I just set the cell voltage to what I wanted the lipo that's doing the charging to drop to? But how low should I go?
I just noticed I cant drop the voltage very much on the lipo that's receiving the charge though.
You do not want to do a Charge, you want to do a Discharge or a Storage. Yes chargers have a very limited wattage they can discharge at, it takes a long time per battery to do so.
Yeah I was just referring to using a battery I wanted to discharge as the battery supplying the power for another battery. That way it would slowly discharge it. I read about it somewhere but i couldn't find out how to calculate and set the charger to stop it where the charging battery would stop where i wanted. So if I just did a discharge as you first mentioned, how low should I drop the lipo?
There is usually a low battery cutoff in the menu system of the charger, what charger do you have? Also it depends on the battery cells right, so you want to take them down to about 3.4 volts per cell, but no lower than 3.2 volts per cell. If you were using a 4s as the power source I wouldn't set the low battery cutoff less than about 13v.

I also have found that just flying them gently till they get low does a better job of "emptying" them and allowing a better charge, after a few cycles they might be usable.

I have a TON of 4s batteries, most have some age, and most will scream at 14 volts or even lower when I punch to the moon, some even from full charge will do that, but once I let off it recovers quickly. given the specs of most of the kinds of stuff we build they can suck the juice pretty hard. I wonder what kind of sag recovery you see when you let off the throttle. If you watch many of the celebs out there, when they punch hard for a few seconds, you can often hear the gopro recording the low battery alarm on the quad.

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