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SJRC f11 Pro 4K Gimbal seems to be stuck, need help.


New Member
May 3, 2021
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I am quite new to this hobby and bought myself a cheaper drone to practice before I buy something better. When I start up the drone, I followed all the instructions in the manual (Gyro calibration and the turning around one), but the gimbal seems to stay "stuck" in a side ways position. First I thought I had to fly it for it to take effect, so I did. The camera doesn't wobble that much, but is still stuck in that sideways angle. Also the buttons to change the angle does not work at all, the camera will not change angles, but stay in that same position.

Now I am not sure wheter the product arrived faulty or if I missed something. Is there a way to calibrate the gimbal camera itself or does anyone know what might be the problem? I found the PTZ Calibration option in the app and tried that (it said Calibration Succesful), but the gimbal still doesn't move... Factory reset also did nothing for me.

I really hope one of you wonderful people has a solution for me, I rather not send it back after I waited so long to get it in the first place. Thanks in advance!


It sounds like it is defective. I would think the gimbal would reset to straight forward when it is powered up. Add the fact that the camera controls are not working and it points to defective.
Is there anything holding the gimbal locked in place from maybe packaging or something. Are you able to gently move the gimbal at all with your finger?

Oh, and Welcome to the forum by the way...
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Hi Brett,

Thanks for the welcome!

There doesn't seem to be something blocking the gimble. I tried adjusting it by hand, and that works easily. The thing I noticed however, was the gimble going back to level when I pushed from one side, but not the other. I definitely think it arrived faulty, so I will send it back and go for a more beginner friendly/better quality drone.

It flew wonderfully though and I am absolutely sure this is the hobby for me, so I just ordered the DJI Mavic.

Thanks for the reply!
I think I finally figured out what is to it happened to me it would make a noise.At the bottom of the camera there should be a little hole where there sliver wires if you move them they should act the drone in different way that how I fixed my
I had this problem quite a lot but it got fixed with restart or finding a physical cause that could be resolved manually. I count myself lucky so far. Hope your prob gets a solve too.
Hi. New here too. My camera isn’t leveling and isn’t moving with controls either. I’ve had the drone for over a year now so what are my options for repair if I don’t find anything impeding the movement of the camera and still get nothing??
When I turn on my f11gim2 on the camera levels off but when I turn on my drone the camera turn’s sideways and it won’t operate with controls when I try to move camera up or down it just shakes

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