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soldering issues with only GND pads.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
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I got 2 new AIOs from gepRC and trying to do soldering. Surprisingly all GND pads in 10pads cannot be soldered, but others are fine well. Is that GND pad different from other pads in general, like requiring higher temperature soldering?? Red circle pad is already burned out because I tried to do soldering many time with higher temperature. My solder iron sets to temperature 340-360, which should be good enough heat. I have no ideas with GNDs.

Yeah, heard the same thing about the GND pads. I've only used Diatone and IFlight components, so not to much help with Geprc. I do hit mine with heavy heat, 380°-400°, and just hit it for less than a couple of seconds, works fine, never lifted a pad yet. Good luck.
I love iFlight so much. I bought gepRC this time because a friend of mine recommended. gepRC support told me to use temperature 420 degree. However, GND pad still did not work except one pad.

In general, most products are great and 1 0f 100 products is problem, then what important is customer support. So far, betaFPV and gepRC are very horrible.
For instance, I explained my problems with 20 sentences. gepRC's answer is just 1 sentence which did not help at all.
I got stuff from Pryo drone and Banggood(only the Canadian warehouse), but my main go to is Race Day Quads. Great customer service. Had a bad battery once, a email with the photo of the battery on a balance readout, the next day they had a replacement in the mail. Been using them about a year now and really no problems, even the shipping is fast. Guess it's just a hit and miss with the vendors, but I'll continue with RDQ.

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