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Soldering problem


Jan 15, 2022
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What am I doing wrong? I solder with 400 degrees Celsius and I can't heat up the ESC pads enough to get proper soldering done... I can see how it looks in the pictures, it just doesn't melt? When I apply it directly to my soldering iron it melts but not on the ESC? What am I doing wrong??


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What iron? Too low power and/or too small tip probably.
used the sq-001 with the smallest tip... doesnt matter tho since i ruined my esc now :(( pretty stupid
Based on the CF-10A data sheet, soldering temp: 270-350C. Keep solder tip clean. Tinned iron tip before use. I suggest you experiment or practice on the damaged board before trying again. I also use a liquid flux on the pads even though the solder has flux built in. Soldering time is 1-3 secs. Abort if you feel it's taking longer. Better to try again then to overheat the board.
thank you! I do use a noclean flux pen and apply it on every pad before soldering
also good idea to use the damaged board for practice thanks almost threw it away already...
in the end i do think its because of my power supply, being a cheap led cable which is capable of 12v which is the least amount of volts i have to use for the solder iron and it does tell me its 11,62v or something so that might be it
also when i managed to melt it, it took about a whole minute and the board got hot like ****
cost me 80€ to find out what i did wrong🤦‍♂️
I bought new core now because i dont have much left and it is a bit different saying 50g NIWT
What is NIWT? lol
also i bought a power cable with 2,73A / 24V / 65W which should work better


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Looks like NIWT 50g refers to the weight or amount of solder. Here's a photo of my soldering station. You can find them on the webs for around $70. I use 110v. My unit has interchangeable tips and a hot air gun. I use the hot air for shrink tubing.


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For heavy connections you want to use the biggest tip you can, and give enough power to the soldering iron. For that TS100 rebrand you'd want at least a fully charged 4S, <12V isn't going to cut it.
If you are going to build more than one drone you should invest in a quality soldering station. I have a HAKKO FX-888D. Might be a bit of overkill but works nicely. And you can buy one for about the price of the board you just fried.
I would probably try a medium chisel tip first. To make a good join all of the solder has to be flowing at once.


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His iron is just as capable, no need to buy another one. Just use the appropriate tip and supply voltage high enough for it to perform properly.

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