Ok, I was flying this morning on my property and I was flying around some trees about 8' AGL and the drone was about 100 feet from me and all of a sudden the drone went crazy out of control going up and down sideways then it flew up into the tree branches and the whole time I had the stick down trying to land. After the drone got into the tree branches it decided to land and it did so as I had control again of the drone. All it did was bent two of the plastic props. Nothing else was damaged. I fly this same pattern almost every time I fly and never have I had this happen before? I bought this drone soon as they came on the market and never had anything like this happen. This was my first crash and lucky it didn't do more damage than it did. I live in the country and there are no towers or anything that would interfere with the electronics and I fly nearly every day weather permitting. Any ideas what could have caused this? I put new props on and it flew normal.