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Apr 15, 2024
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Hello from Basel, Switzerland from a new fpv but not drone pilot. 100 flight hours in total with mavic mini and mini pro 3. Flew across all of continental Europe, over all possible terrain combinations, even flew for the military when I was doing videography during my military service. First and only crash was when i was too eager to fly my first drone ever, I flew it inside the house at dark without GPS. Thankfully I had prop guards, but let me tell you the poor cat that was laying under the table did not like seeing a drone fly at full speed towards her. That poor cat ! Thankfully I learned my lesson and the second flight I was right next to a train station with a big substation transformer. Guess the drone gods were really on my side that day. Only ever had one argument with a drone Karen, what an achievement.

But as the blue squirrel always said, "gotta go fast", or Vin Petrol in Fast and Furious 23 said , "The need for speed", I am also in need for more dynamic shots. Living in the alpine country that I am, with large landscapes and giants mountains, I find traditional drones too restrictive in the footage I get out of it. I promise, I won't dive bomb the cat with it !
Welcome to the forum! :)
Hello from Basel, Switzerland from a new fpv but not drone pilot. 100 flight hours in total with mavic mini and mini pro 3. Flew across all of continental Europe, over all possible terrain combinations, even flew for the military when I was doing videography during my military service. First and only crash was when i was too eager to fly my first drone ever, I flew it inside the house at dark without GPS. Thankfully I had prop guards, but let me tell you the poor cat that was laying under the table did not like seeing a drone fly at full speed towards her. That poor cat ! Thankfully I learned my lesson and the second flight I was right next to a train station with a big substation transformer. Guess the drone gods were really on my side that day. Only ever had one argument with a drone Karen, what an achievement.

But as the blue squirrel always said, "gotta go fast", or Vin Petrol in Fast and Furious 23 said , "The need for speed", I am also in need for more dynamic shots. Living in the alpine country that I am, with large landscapes and giants mountains, I find traditional drones too restrictive in the footage I get out of it. I promise, I won't dive bomb the cat with it !
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!

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